Other mainframe applications  Chapter 2: Pre-installation Tasks

Chapter 1: Understanding the DB2 UDB Option for CICS

Other servers

Adaptive Server® Enterprise/Component Integration Services (ASE/CIS) and Replication Server® are separate Sybase products that work with DirectConnect and can be optional parts of the DB2 UDB Option for CICS communication path.

DB2 UDB Option communication path for three-tier environments

For client access to DB2 data, the DB2 UDB Option for CICS must be installed on the mainframe, and DirectConnect must be installed on a LAN server. The DB2 UDB Option for CICS and DirectConnect work together to provide DB2 data to clients as follows (see Figure 1-1):

  1. A client sends SQL requests to DirectConnect.

  2. DirectConnect forwards the requests to the CICS transaction (AMD2) on the mainframe (using SNA or TCP/IP connectivity on the LAN server).

  3. AMD2 processes the client SQL requests using the dynamic SQL capabilities of DB2.

  4. AMD2 returns the DB2 result sets and messages to DirectConnect (using SNA or TCP/IP connectivity on the LAN server).

  5. DirectConnect returns the results and messages to the client.

Figure 1-1: DB2 UDB Option communication path for three-tier

DB2 UDB Option communication path for two-tier environments

For gateway-less client access to DB2 data, the DB2 UDB Option must be installed on the mainframe. The DB2 UDB Option provides DB2 data to clients as follows (see Figure 1-2):

  1. A client sends SQL requests to the CICS transaction (AMD2) on the mainframe (using TCP/IP connectivity).

  2. AMD2 processes the client SQL requests using the dynamic SQL capabilities of DB2.

  3. AMD2 returns the DB2 result sets and messages to the client (using TCP/IP connectivity).

See the following figure for an illustration of this process.

Figure 1-2: DB2 UDB Option communication path for two-tier gateway-less

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 2: Pre-installation Tasks

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