tModels  Chapter 7: The Private UDDI Server

Chapter 6: Web Console—Registry Services

Additional registry information for published businesses, tModels, and services

After you have published businesses, tModels, or services to a registry, you can add additional information to each.


Bindings are the mechanisms that bind the abstract definition (overview document, or description) of a Web service to the concrete representation (access point) of that service.

StepsAdding a binding to a service

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Services folder.

  3. Expand the service to which you are adding a binding.

  4. Right-click the Bindings folder and select Add ServiceBinding.

  5. Follow the Add ServiceBinding Entity wizard to add a binding. See Table 6-6 for a description of the binding properties.

StepsDeleting a binding from a service

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Services folder.

  3. Expand the service to which the binding you are deleting belongs.

  4. Expand the Bindings folder.

  5. Right-click the binding you want to delete and select Delete.

Table 6-6 describes the binding properties.

Table 6-6: Binding properties






A description of the binding.

Access point

An address for accessing a Web service must be a valid URL.


The language name and description.


Displays a summary of your selections. Click Finish to create the binding, or click Back to change selections.


Each business classification system has codes for the various categories. A categories scheme allows you to group registry entries by a given category. For example, large businesses that conduct a variety of business may be sorted by several classifications. A company might sell computer hardware and software. Such a business might be listed with several classifications, such as computer training, data processing services, and software publishers, and so on. Each business classification also has a corresponding key.

StepsAdding a category to a service, tModel, or business

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Services, tModel, or businesses folder.

  3. Expand the service, tModel, or business for which you are adding a category.

  4. Right-click the Categories folder and select Add Category.

  5. Follow the Add Category Entity wizard to add a category. See Table 6-7 for a description of the category properties.

StepsDeleting a category from a service, tModel, or business

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Services, tModels, or Businesses folder.

  3. Expand the service, tModel, or business to which the category you are deleting belongs.

  4. Expand the Categories folder.

  5. Right-click the category you want to delete and select Delete.

Table 6-7 describes the category properties.

Table 6-7: Category properties





Categorization Scheme

Select the categorization scheme to use with the Web service, tModel, or business.


The name of the category.


Each category has a corresponding value.


A unique key that is generated when the category is registered.


Similar to categories, identifiers provide identification information, which allows businesses, services, and tModels to be associated with some identification scheme, such as model identification, or an industry group identification number.

StepsAdding an identifier to a business, service, or tModel

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Businesses, Services, or tModels folder.

  3. Expand the business, service, or tModel for which you are adding an identifier.

  4. Right-click the Identifiers folder and select Add Identifier.

  5. Follow the Add Identifier Entity wizard to add an identifier. See Table 6-8 for a description of the identifiers properties.

StepsDeleting an identifier from a business, service, or tModel

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Businesses, Services, or tModels folder.

  3. Expand the business, service, or tModel to which the identifier you are deleting belongs.

  4. Expand the Identifiers folder.

  5. Right-click the identifier you want to delete and select Delete.

Table 6-8: Identifier properties





Identification scheme

Select the identification scheme to use with the Web service.


The name of the identification.


Each identifier has a corresponding value.


A unique key that is generated when the identifier is registered.


Displays a summary of your selections. Click Finish to create the identifier, or click Back to change selections.


A contact (name, phone number, address) for a given business or business service.

StepsAdding a contact to a business

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Right-click the Published Businesses folder.

  3. Right-click the business to which you are adding a contact and select Add Contact.

  4. Follow the Add Contact wizard to add a contact. See Table 6-9 for a description of the contact properties.

StepsDeleting a contact from a business

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Businesses folder.

  3. Expand the business which contains the contact you are deleting.

  4. Right-click the contact you want to delete and select Delete.

Table 6-9: Contact properties






The name of the contact; this could be a company or organization name.


A contact description.

Contact person

A contact person.


The address of the contact.

Phone number

The phone number of the contact.


Displays a summary of your selections. Click Finish to create the contact, or click Back to change selections.

Discovery URLs

A discovery URL is used to retrieve discovery documents for a specific instance of a business entity.

StepsAdding a discovery URL to a business or tModel

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Right-click the Published Businesses or Published tModel folder.

  3. Right-click the business or tModel to which you are adding a discovery URL and select Add Discovery URL.

  4. Follow the Add Discovery URL wizard to add a Discovery URL. See Table 6-10 for a description of the Discovery URL properties.

StepsDeleting a discovery URL from a business or tModel

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Businesses or Published tModel folder.

  3. Expand the business or tModel which contains the discovery URL you are deleting.

  4. Right-click the discovery URL you want to delete and select Delete.

Table 6-10: Discovery URL properties





Discovery URL

URL to the discovery document.


A description of the discovery document.

Use type


The language name and description.


Displays a summary of your selections. Click Finish to create the discovery URL, or click Back to change selections.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 7: The Private UDDI Server

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