Plug-in, domain, display, and server administration  Web service administration

Chapter 5: Web Console—Web Services

Web service collection administration

You can create and maintain Web service collections on each server being administered by the Web console.

StepsViewing or modifying Web service collection properties

  1. Expand the server that contains the Web service collection whose properties you are viewing or changing.

  2. Highlight the Web service collection. The Web console displays General and Web Service tabs. Table 5-2 describes the Web service collection properties.

  3. Make any changes and click Accept when done or Reset to ignore your changes.

StepsExporting a Web service collection

You can export a Web service collection to a WAR file. Once exported, you can import and deploy the WAR file to and from other Web service servers.

  1. Expand the server that contains the Web service collection you are exporting.

  2. Right-click the Web service collection and select Export.

  3. Follow the wizard instructions to export the Web service collection. By default, the Web service collection is exported to a file named wscoll.war, where wscoll is the name of the Web service collection.

StepsImporting a Web service collection

You can import a Web service collection from a WAR file into the Web services server to which you are connected.

  1. Expand the server to which you want to import the Web service collection.

  2. Right-click the Web Service Collection folder and select Import.

  3. Follow the wizard instructions to import the Web service collection. Use Browse to locate the WAR file that contains the Web service collection. “ws” is the default Web service collection, if not specified.

  4. When you click Finish, the Web service collection is imported and displays under the Web Service Collection folder.

StepsDeleting a Web services collection

To delete a Web collection and all of the Web services it contains:

  1. Expand the server that contains the Web service collection you are deleting.

  2. Right-click the Web service collection and select Delete.

Table 5-2 describes the Web services collection properties.

Table 5-2: Web service collection properties




The name of the Web services collection.


A description of the Web services collection.


The realm (if any) to which the Web collection belongs. A realm defines the scope of authentication and authorization, and is also referred to as a security realm.

HTTP Authentication Method

The authentication method (if any) used by your Web service collection. Authentication method choices are the same as used by Web applications. See Chapter 3, “Web Application Security” in the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide for more information.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Web service administration

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