Generates Java code for client side artifacts from the WSDL, where WSDL URI is the URI (universal resource identifier) of the WSDL file.
wsdl2java generates a service implementation template file with a extension. Remove the .new extension and enter your business logic into the implementation file before deploying it as a Web service.
When you expose a component that uses EAServer-specific
holder types as a Web service, the convention for generating the
client-side holders classes is that they are always generated under
a package.holders.type hierarchy. For example,
when you expose a component as a Web service that uses BCD.MoneyHolder,
the conversion on the client-side results in a JAX-RPC specific
holder contained under BCD.holders.MoneyHolder.
You will not use EAServer-specific types on the Web service client
wsdl2java [-classpath path ] [-compile true | false ] [-factory class_name ] [-fileNS2pkg file_name ] [-genAll true | false ] [-genHelper true | false ] [-genImplTemplate true | false ] [-genRefrencedOnly true | false ] [-genSkeleton true | false ] [-genStub true | false ] [-gentestCase true | false ] [-gentypes true | false ] [-genWSDD true | false ] [-handlerFile fileName ] [-noImport true | false ] [-noWrapped true | false ] [-ns2pkg package=namespace ] [-outputDir path] [-package packageName ] [-passwd password] [-scope Request | Application | Session ] [-serverside true | false] [-timeout seconds ] [-tm argument ] [-typeMappingVer 1.1 | 1.2 ] [-user userName ] WSDLURI
<taskdef name="wst_antTask" classname="com.sybase.wst.wstool.ant.AntTask"/> <target name="wsdl2java" > <wst_antTask command="wsdl2java" [classpath=“path”] [compile=“true | false ”] [factory=“class_name”] [fileNS2pkg=“file_name”] [genAll=“true | false ”] [genHelper=“true | false”] [genImplTemplate=“true | false”] [genRefrencedOnly=“true | false”] [genSkeleton=“true | false”] [genStub=“true | false”] [gentestCase=“true | false”] [gentypes=“true | false”] [genWSDD=“true | false”] [handlerFile=“fileName”] [noImport=“true | false ”] [noWrapped=“true | false”] [ns2pkg=“package=namespace”] [outputDir=“path”] [package=“packageName”] [passwd=“password”] [scope=“Request | Application | Session”] [serverside=“true | false”] [timeout=“seconds”] [tm=“argument”] [typeMappingVer=“1.1 | 1.2”] [user=“userName”] WSDLURI=“resourceIdentifier” >
Option |
Description |
classpath |
Specify the classpath in quotes. |
compile |
If true, compiles the generated source code. |
factory |
Name of the class file that implements the GenerateFactory class. |
fileNS2pkg |
The name of the file that contains the ns2pkg (namespace to package) mappings. Use this option instead of the ns2pkg options to declare multiple mappings. For example, the file contains two mappings: http\://Host:Port/Man.xsd=com.sybase.manf http\:/Host:Port/Purch.xsd=com.sybase.Purchase and can be used as follows: wstool wsdl2java -fileNs2pkg myTest.wsdl |
genWSDD |
If true, generates a Deploy.wsdd file. |
genImplTemplate |
If true, generates a template for the implementation code. |
genStub |
If true, generates the stub files. |
genAll |
If true, generates and compiles the stubs, wsdd,
and ImplTemplate files. If set to true, this
option overrides the settings of
gentestCase |
If true, generates a test case. |
gentypes |
Set this option to false when you start with java2wsdl, or you will overwrite existing types. Default is true. |
genHelper |
If true, generates helper classes for metadata. |
genSkeleton |
If true, generates the skeleton files. |
handlerFile |
The handler class file that contains any special routines (handlers) for this Web service. |
noImports |
If true, generates code for the current WSDL only. |
noWrapped |
If true, turns off support for “wrapped” document/literal. Wrapped is a document literal variation, that wraps parameters as children of the root element. |
ns2pkg |
The namespace to package value pair, in the form namespace=package. You can only declare one namespace to package pair using this option. Use the fileNS2pkg option to declare multiple mappings. |
outDir |
The output directory for the generated files. |
package |
The package name to be used for namespace to package mappings. |
passwd |
The password required by the user to access the WSDL URI. |
scope |
The scope of the deploy.wsdd: request, application, or session. |
serverside |
If true, generates the server-side bindings for the Web service. |
timeout |
In seconds, the amount of time allowed for this command to complete before timing out. |
tm |
specify the type mapping file name, if any custom data types are being used. For example, the type mapping file has the following contents: t1.QName = nonbeansample:Book t1.Serializer = nonbeansample.BookSerializer t1.Deserializer = nonbeansample.BookDeserializer t1.SerializerFactory = nonbeansample.BookSerFactory t1.DeserializerFactory = nonbeansample.BookDeserFactory t1.TypeName = nonbeansample.Book t1.EncodingType = # Specify the webservice if the type # mappings are on the server t1.ServiceName = myCollection/myService |
typeMappingVer |
Type mapping version to use. The default is 1.1. Acceptable values are 1.1 and 1.2. |
user |
The user name used to access the WSDL URI. |
This example uses CodeGetTest.wsdl as the input WSDL file and generates the Java output file to the out directory:
wstool wsdl2java -genTestCase false -genHelper true -genImplTemplate true -genRefrencedOnly false -genSkeleton true -genStub true -genWSDD true -tm -classpath "d:\out;d:\wstool\test\tm\classes" -genall false -outDir out CodeGenTest.wsdl
Ant build example:
<wst_antTask command="wsdl2java" entity="d:\wstool\test\sample.wsdl" />
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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