Generates code for client side artifacts from the Java class file, where locationURL and JavaClassName are the URL and name of the Java class file from which the WSDL is being generated.
java2wsdl [-binding binding_name ] [-classpath path ] [-exposeMethods m1, m2, m3 ] [-extraClass class1, class2, class3 ] [-importURL wsdl_interface ] [-impINS implementation_namespace ] [-implWSDL implementation_wsdl_filename ] [-implClass class_name ] [-inheritMethods true | false] [-inputSchema file_or_url ] [-inputWSDL WSDL_file ] [-intfNS interface_namespace ] [-outputWsdl file_name ] [-pkg2ns package_namespace ] [-portName port_name ] [-portTypeName class_name ] [-serviceName service_name ] [-soapAction Default | Operation | None ] [-stopClasses class1, class2, class3 ] [-style Document | RPC | Wrapped ] [-tm argument ] [-typeMappingVer 1.1 | 1.2 ] [-use Literal | Encoded] [-wsdlMode All | Interface | Implemenation ] [-xcludeMethods m1, m2, m3 ] -locationURL<service location URL> javaClassName
<taskdef name="wst_antTask" classname="com.sybase.wst.wstool.ant.AntTask"/> <target name="java2wsdl" > <wst_antTask command="java2wsdl" [binding=“binding_name”] [classpath=”path”] [exposeMethods=“m1, m2, m3 ”] [extraClass=“class1, class2, class3”] [importURL=“wsdl_interface”] [impINS=“implementation_namespace”] [implWSDL=“implementation_wsdl_filename”] [implClass=“class_name] [inheritMethods=“true | false”] [inputSchema=“file_or_url”] [inputWSDL=“WSDL_file”] [intfNS=“interface_namespace”] [outputWsdl=“file_name”] [pkg2ns=“package_namespace”] [portName=“port_name”] [porTypetName=“class_name”] [serviceName=“service_name”] [soapAction=“Default | Operation | None”] [stopClasses=“class1, class2, class3 ”] [style=“Document | RPC | Wrapped”] [tm=“argument”] [typeMappingVer=“1.1 | 1.2”] [use=“Literal | Encoded”] [wsdlMode=“All | Interface | Implemenation”] [xcludeMethods=“m1, m2, m3”] locationURL<service location URL>=“javaClassName” >
Option |
Description |
binding |
The binding name. The default is servicePortName value “SOAPBinding.” |
classpath |
Specify the classpath in quotes. |
exposeMethods |
A comma-separated list of methods to expose. |
extraClasses |
A comma-separated list of classes to be added to the type section. |
importURL |
The location of the interface URL. |
implNS |
The target namespace for the implementation WSDL. |
intfNS |
The target namespace. |
inputWSDL |
input WSDL filename. |
implWSDL |
The output implementation WSDL file name.
Setting this option causes the |
implClass |
An optional class that contains implementation of methods in class-of-portType. The debug information in the class is used to obtain the method parameter names, which are used to set the WSDL part names. |
inputWsdl |
The input WSDL file name. |
outputWsdl |
The output WSDL file name. |
pkg2NS |
The package to namespace value pair, in the form package=namespace. |
portName |
The service port name. The default is obtained from the locationURL. |
portTypeName |
The port type name. The default is class-of-portType. |
serviceName |
The service name. The default is servicePortName value “Service.” |
inheritMethods |
True or false. If true, expose allowed methods in inherited classes. |
xcludeMethods |
A comma-separated list of methods not to expose. |
stopClasses |
A comma-separated list of class names
that stops the inheritance search even if the |
tm |
specify the Type mapping file name, if any custom data types are being exposed. For example, the type mapping file has the following contents: t1.QName = nonbeansample:Book t1.Serializer = nonbeansample.BookSerializer t1.Deserializer = nonbeansample.BookDeserializer t1.SerializerFactory = nonbeansample.BookSerFactory t1.DeserializerFactory = nonbeansample.BookDeserFactory t1.TypeName = nonbeansample.Book t1.EncodingType = # Specify the webservice if the type # mappings are on the server t1.ServiceName = myCollection/myService |
typeMappingVer |
The type mapping version. Valid options are 1.1 (the default) and 1.2. |
soapAction |
The value of the operations soapAction field. Valid values are: Default – causes the soapAction to be set according to operations in the metadata. Operation – forces soapAction to the name of the operation. None – forces the soapAction to blank, which is the default. |
style |
The style of the binding in the WSDL. Options are “Document,” “Wrapped,” or “RPC” (the default). |
use |
Defines the use of the items in the binding. Options are “Literal” or “Encoded” (the default). |
wsdlMode |
The output WSDL mode. Valid options are All (default), Interface, or Implementation. |
inputSchema |
A file or URL that points to the XML schema used during WSDL generation. |
This example uses nonBeanSample as input and generates the CodeGenTest.wsdl output file:
wstool java2wsdl -locationURL "http://localhost:8080/nonBean/services/nonBeanSample" -pkg2ns "nonbeansample=nonbeansample" -tm -outputwsdl CodeGenTest.wsdl -classpath d:\wstool\test\tm\classes nonbeansample.TestBookServiceIntf
Ant build example:
<wst_antTask command="java2wsdl" locationURL="http://${}/${wst.port}/nonBean/services/nonBeanSample" tm="d:\wstool\test\tm\" classpath="d:\wstool\test\classes" entity="nonbeansample.TestBookServiceIntf"/>
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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