Introduction  Web services collection administration

Chapter 4: Web Services Administration

Web services server administration

A Web services server is the container on EAServer that stores your Web services. You can create any number of server profiles that allow you to connect to a Web services container and manage the Web services that it contains.

NoteWhen managing Web services, the server must be running. You can develop Web services and create test clients for third-party Web services without connecting to the server.

StepsCreating and modifying a Web services server profile

  1. Right-click the Sybase Web Services Servers icon and select Create Server profile.

  2. The Create Server Profile dialog box appears. Provide the information described in Table 4-1 and click Finish. If a profile already exists, you can select the profile, make modifications and click Finish.

Table 4-1: Create server profile properties



Profile Name

The name of the Web services server profile you are creating.

User Name

The name of the user connecting to the Web services container. jagadmin is the default. Use either jagadmin or another member of the Admin role.


The password of the user connecting to the Web services container. The default is blank.

Host Name

The name of the host machine that contains the Web services container to which you are connecting. localhost is the default.

Port Number

The port number of the host used to connect to the Web services container. 8080 is the default.

Server Startup Script File


This path to the script if you providing connection information in a script.

Script Arguments

Any additional arguments you want to provide to the script.

StepsSetting the default Web services server

If you have multiple Web services servers, you can designate a default to which you connect when you start the WST development tool.

  1. Right-click the server profile you are designating as the default.

  2. Select Set Default.

StepsConnecting to a Web services server

You must be connected to a Web services server to manage Web service collections, Web services, and so on. If you cannot connect to the server, make sure it is running.

  1. Right-click the server profile and then select Connect.

StepsDisconnecting from a Web services server

  1. Right-click the server profile and then select Disconnect. Only available if you are connected to the server.

StepsStarting a Web services server

  1. Right-click the server profile to which the Web services server you are starting belongs.

  2. Select Start.

StepsStopping a Web services server

  1. Right-click the server profile to which the Web services server you are stopping belongs.

  2. Select Stop.

StepsRefreshing a Web services server

You must start a Web services server before refreshing.

  1. Right-click the server profile to which the Web services server you are refreshing belongs.

  2. Select Refresh.

StepsRestarting a Web services server

  1. Right-click the server profile to which the Web services server you are restarting belongs.

  2. Select Restart.

StepsRemoving a Web services server

  1. Right-click the server profile to which the Web services server you are removing belongs.

  2. Select Remove.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Web services collection administration

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