(CRs #369306 and #373593) The readme file in the sample\wst_samples\EJBSample\statelessEjbSample subdirectory of the EAServer installation describes how to create a Web service named AddEjb. This should be SampleEjb_AddEjb. The resulting WSDL file is available at http://localhost:8080/ws/services/SampleEjb_AddEjb?wsdl, not http://localhost:8080/ws/services/AddEjb?wsdl.
(CRs #373708 and #369209) The GoogleSearch sample has an outdated readme file, sample\wst_samples\GoogleApi\GoogleSearchEAS5.htm. To access the updated sample instructions:
In a Web browser, log in to CodeXchange.
Under Popular Sample Folders, select Web Services.
From the list of Web Services, select GoogleSearch Service with EAServer 5.0.
(CR # 369093) The readme.html file in the EAServer\html\classes\Sample\Intro\ subdirectory of the EAServer installation contains these errors:
Error at the line: d. Check “Compile Java Files.”
should be:
d. Check “Compile Java Stubs.”
Error at the line: a. Uncheck Compile Java Skeletons. b. Under Advanced Options, check “Generate Skeletons on Server.”
should be:
a. Under “Skeleton Generation Options”, uncheck “Compile Java Skeletons.” b. Check “Generate Skeletons on Server.”
(CRs # 369093 and #373589) The following changes are required in the readme.txt file located in the sample\wst_samples\CORBAComponent\client subdirectory of the EAServer installation:
After the following lines: Expand the Other Components folder. The IntroSamples package should display. Expand this folder to display the IntroJavaIDL (CORBA) component.
If the IntroSamples package is not listed, go to EAServer Manager and select Servers | Jaguar | Installed Packages, and right-click Installed Packages; click Install an Existing Package; select IntroJavaIDL from the Choose Package to Install list; then click OK. Restart or refresh EAServer.
Error at lines: Only the getXXX methods and Boolean b method should be selected. Click OK. The component is now exposed as a Web service.
should be:
Only the getXXX methods and Boolean throwException method should be selected. Click Finish. The component is now exposed as a Web service.
Step 6 of the readme.txt file describes the Client.java file. This should be IntroJavaIDL_ServiceTestClient.java.
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