The following issues are fixed in this version (EBF ID 12431):
Bug ID |
Description |
374784 |
Null pointer exception when creating a new server. |
374464 |
JMS Client fails with MARSHAL exception. |
374214 |
Connector cannot load a class when the JAR containing the class is deployed in the application EAR that contains the connector. |
373873 |
Overflow errors are reported when transferring CS_CHAR strings of length 255 with extended characters from EAServer to client via TDS/OpenServer calls. |
373812 |
When using Sol4x FIPS redirector libraries to start iPlanet 6.0, the Web server does not start. |
373701 |
Unexpected exception detected in native code outside the VM. |
373698 |
When EAServer Manager connects to a server without the message service, you see “Would you like to configure the Message Service.” When you click No, the same dialog reappears. |
373521 |
Conversion from ResultSet to TabularResultSet cannot handle NULL int value. |
372974 | ClassCastException when searching book titles. |
372954 |
SSLException when using security port. |
372910 |
Server does not start after setting FIPS mode to off. |
372846 |
When using FIPS redirector libraries to start iPlanet 6.0, the Web server does not start. |
372760 |
Conversion from ResultSet to TabularResultSet cannot handle NULL date value. |
372233 |
Data source lookup fails in Servlet Filter init() method. |
372133 |
SSL clients found runtime CtsSecurity-Transport exception. |
371822 |
For Java skeleton, change the signature of localInvoke + num methods. |
371635 |
Cannot set ejb-ref value in the dialog without using workarounds. |
371605 |
Classloader picks up incorrect JAR files when JARs use manifest classpath, and Jaguar Classloader uses temp directories to load copies of JAR files. |
371579 |
BMP entity EJB fails rollback when transaction is Required or Requires New. |
371563 |
Configuring the message service throws an exception. |
371075 |
EAServer Manager multiple server display refresh issue. |
371056 |
servletfailover received an unexpected return from the secondary server. |
370828 |
Posted data is interpreted by a request causing HTTP 400 errors. |
370762 |
Log file is not generated after creating a log handler. |
370346 |
jagtool sync command: attempt to sync two servers not in a cluster, using jagadmin, and the servers have different jagadmin passwords, the sync fails. |
370077 |
Lost HTTP session ID by changing request attribute in servlet. |
370056 |
Exception when saving major/minor version on some components. |
370053 |
PowerDynamo sites and Web applications should both work from the same server. |
369986 |
Set proxy places connection back into cache pool as proxy user. |
369879 |
Sybase Central crashes on Solaris. |
369801 |
Print processing stopped status when memory monitor stops processing client request. |
369380 |
New Log Category wizard: log handler does not check for duplicate at add. |
369267 |
Login wizard crash Sybase Central 4.3. |
369158 |
Sybase Central Refresh All makes the message service component disappear. |
368925 |
Flush JSP/servlet cache NullPointerException. |
368839 |
EAServer does not support J2SE 5.0. |
368647 |
Extra FIPS mode displays in the cryptographic modules. |
368411 |
Solaris: Sybase Central exception is not logged in jagmgr.log. |
368295 |
Message service not processing all queued messages after crash. |
368064 |
Sybase Central exception raised when connecting. |
368056 |
PKCS#12 PseudoCPP Java client core dump. |
367963 |
Viewing server properties throws OutOfBoundsExceptions in EAServer Manager. |
367944 |
Sever crashes when retrieving Oracle XA connection cache from a C component. |
367773 |
Log file viewer screen does not display. |
367763 |
EJB CMP entity bean conncache.ssa=true and conncache.systemid not working. |
367760 |
Starting EAServer Manager and attempting to connect to Security Manager displays “Password not valid.” |
367627 |
EAServer Security Manager previous client root logged. |
367619 |
EJB 1.0 configuration window: mouse does not get focus. |
367429 |
On the Jaguar Server's properties Java VM tab, the Disable JIT option is linked to the property instead of |
367287 |
scvwen43.pdf is missing from the EAServer install image. |
367278 |
ASA OBDC cache issue. |
367264 |
Apache20 redirector plug-in core dump when redirecting. |
367152 |
JTA client side demarcation fails on Solaris. |
367151 |
Tip 44 is missing. |
367121 |
Log Profile wizard throws exception when editing handlers. |
367110 |
Message service window pop-up: if you click No the window does not go away. |
367097 |
Disconnecting EAServer Manager also disconnects Security Manager. |
367026 |
MBean functionality should be removed from the Systems Management Web console. |
366889 |
Log profiles: do not add newly created handler name. |
366884 |
Log profiles: categories add duplicate handler names. |
366883 |
Values of connection caches runtime monitoring keep appending in EAServer Manager. |
366560 |
jagmgr_install.bat and sasecmgr_install.bat are missing. |
366465 |
Sybase Central raises an exception when restarting server. |
366463 |
When using the wizard to invoke a selected operation for an MBean, a blank page appears when you enter an input parameter value and press Enter. |
366460 |
EAServer Manager cannot connect to EAServer. |
366456 |
Lookup for an EJB component fails in ejbSecurity. |
366451 |
Cannot start uddidb. |
366413 |
Eclipse invoke methods fail if the Web service is exported from another component. |
366407 |
Eclipse default login “guest” does not ping in UDDI on TrySybase. |
366329 |
Conncache password compromised by Export Diagnostic log. |
366324 |
Clicking Runtime Monitoring in EAServer Manager causes DefaultExternal error. |
366317 |
Sample Web service tempconv received a runtime NullPointerException. |
366310 |
Deploying a Java file with type mapping as a Web service fails. |
366306 |
Default login should be “jagadmin” in Eclipse UDDI on localhost registry. |
366253 |
runclient script must include i18n.jar for jConnect data sources in AppClient. |
366212 |
WebDW connection to ASA database fails. |
366186 |
Using EAServer Manager to connect to a Jaguar server with the message service started: When you click the “+” icon to the left of the “Message Service” node, it does not extend as expected. |
366143 |
UDDI publishing does not work to the local registry. |
365681 |
Save/restore localstack state even for methods that do not read from localstack. |
365633 |
Wrong ASA ODBC driver in $JAGUAR/intersolv/odbc.ini. |
365522 |
Focus lost and dialog auto hidden in EAServer Manager. |
365500 |
Publishing message to topic fails in JSP FragmentCaching on Solaris. |
365475 |
Cannot connect to Security Manager. |
365340 |
Intercomponent calls cannot get a connection when the connection caches are different and the second component's properties are set to Requires or Requires New. |
365255 |
A Confirm Delete dialog issue. |
365189 |
Help ID is incorrect in Log Profile wizard. |
365127 |
EAServer FIPS Security Manager multi_trials logged. |
364970 |
Refreshing Web application causes warning message and intermittent problems. |
364785 |
EAServer Manager does not start properly. |
364734 |
DLB_* compclientLB fails with JDK 1.4. |
364708 |
Solaris: sqlunx.h is missing in $JAGUAR/include. |
364394 |
Secure connection to EAServer Manager with EAServer SSL is unsuccessful. |
364172 |
ejbRemove is listed as control method, but may be called directly by the client. |
364086 |
Security Manager: Move Certificate Info page to Property Tab dialog. |
363968 |
Wrong class present in easj2ee.jar: javax.transaction.Xid. |
363817 |
LDAPResourceManager: Check for rh == null in getResourceHandle. |
363763 |
Null pointer exceptions in Petstore application 1.3 during runtime. |
363760 |
Security Manager double-click key not functioning. |
363709 |
Exclude control methods from local stack in javagenerator. |
Incorrect ResultSet returned to C++ component using OC to ASE when character set is iso_1. |
362842 |
SqlResultSetBase fails. |
362655 |
Some localized strings are not localized in EAServer Manager. |
362603 |
Java .Skeleton is resetting the local stack flag to false. |
362548 |
Sybase Central Help not working. |
362462 |
MASP invocation via SITE HANDLER RPC from data server crashes EAServer. |
362433 |
EAServer CTS fails SystemException: MARSHAL. |
362386 |
Newly added MBean and service in Web Console are not saved. |
362229 |
Reading of Java-CORBA exception from IIOP stream for local stack implementation. |
362165 |
HTTP service fails with “Response was not Sent”. |
361925 |
JavaGenerator fixes: out and inout parameters; UserExceptions. |
361908 |
EJB JAR does not compile during deployment. |
361843 |
EAServer Manager in Sybase Central should have a Connect Context menu item. |
361736 |
Apache20 redirector plug-ins fail to redirect. |
361701 |
URLs that contain embedded URLs as a request parameter cause 404 errors. |
361597 |
Incorporate Axis 1.2 into the codeline. |
361576 |
Transaction handling with new one off shows errors and anomalies compared to EAS 4.2.3 Fatal Error Occurs when try to activate PB Component p11047058/pb_comp_b. Jul 15 13:22:37 2004: Fatal Error Occurs in PB Component, Transaction Rollbacked. Jul 15 13:22:37 2004: Runtime Error Occurs when try to activate PB Component p11047058/pb_comp_b. |
361543 |
Methods should show disallowed status when deactivating a Web service. |
361526 |
No error displays when the user pings a registry with an incorrect password. |
361523 |
Provide fields for user to specify use type for phone and e-mail for contacts. |
361283 |
Wrong sentence when quickly deploy as Web service to a down server. |
361233 |
JavaInMemoryCache put operations do not work on Solaris. |
361207 |
Automatic configuration of “-servicesleep” parameter for Windows Services. |
361190 |
Can now pass arguments on local stack for intercomponent calls on the same server. |
361118 |
Cannot ping from Web Console. |
361111 |
Message in Jaguar.log indicates it cannot obtain server connection for <local>. |
361110 |
Cannot save changes to an existing connection profile in Web Console. |
361087 |
Null Pointer exceptions in OCC. |
360916 |
PBVM - PB service component using JDK 1.4 core dumps EAServer. |
360831 |
Deleting an entry in the Advanced tab for a method's properties preserved the value. |
360824 |
WSI deployment fails. |
360805 |
JCM connection leak. |
360757 |
EAServer Manager Shutdown and Start option restarts wrong server. |
360651 |
Remove requirement for start-up scripts in EAServer Manager. |
360639 |
Classes generated be EP into WEB-INF/classes are not picked up by class loader. |
360588 |
Dynamic Load Balancing cannot be configured in EAS Manager GUI Properties Dialog. |
360465 |
QTS 344742 still does not address the issue listed below: |
360404 |
Update install-System Management agent cannot start. |
360322 |
Getting a stacktrace when retrieving BLOB data via TabularResults.ResultSet when using the easclient.jar from version 4.2.3. |
360241 |
Cannot create new log profile with [root] category. |
360228 |
[EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION(0xc0000005)] received while executing the getServerEnvironmentVariables method of the Jaguar/Management component. |
360040 |
Sybase UDDI server database uses the wrong collation. |
359937 |
Need setlocal for upgradeCert.bat. |
359919 |
Web Server: file names in HTML code are now case- sensitive. |
359846 |
DIGEST-MD5 LDAP authentication within EAServer fails. |
359664 |
Request for Firewall/NAT-aware EAServer Manager connections. |
359655 |
SybAgent usage output incorrect. |
359519 |
Remove license info for Application Integrator. |
359216 |
System Management machine name blank yet still is “connected” and functioning. |
359023 |
Root page[index.html] of Apace h2.0 failed with HTTP 500 error on redirector plug-in. |
358530 |
When adding an association of a handler to a category, user should be provided with a list of existing handlers to choose from, or the option to define a new one. |
358518 |
Usability: need wizard for creating log profiles. |
358357 |
Web Console, UDDI Registries: no discoveryURL for newly created business entity. |
358189 |
Couple of issues with external server feature. |
357730 |
wstool unpublish cannot take empty password. |
357594 |
AIX: Incorrect window description when deleting JSP client from Eclipse. |
357487 |
EAServer crashes when an RPC sp_who call is executed through a TDS listener or TDS\OpenServer listener from ASE. |
357485 |
Service saved twice in local UDDI server after created in Web Console. |
357456 |
setAttribute function with Null argument should be implemented as remoteAttribute function. |
357319 |
A Sybase Heap Manager error was encountered when calling an object method that returned an array with certain sizes. |
357200 |
In certain cases, IDL does not get upgraded during server start-up. |
357090 |
jagtool delete command notes that the valid type is written as '{0}'. |
356878 |
EAServer does not display Japanese UTF8 characters when using JSTL 1.0 tags. |
356850 |
UDDI entities should be able have multiple descriptions. |
356827 |
On HP-UX and HP Itaninum: a caller component of “Not Supported” transaction type throws exception at EAServer side if you try to call another component of “Not Supported” transaction type. This problem happened on the caller “CreateInstance” statement. |
356747 |
The internal Web applications are currently listed by jagtool (and should not be). |
355920 |
Sybase UDDI Server does not save DiscoveryURLs when initially published. |
355891 |
PowerBuilder component fails to connect to Oracle9i or ASA DB via Unicode Connection cache. |
355833 |
The Sybase UDDI server should allow for langs to be more than 2 characters long. |
355804 |
Transactional semantics changes from EAServer 4.0 to 5.0 causes errors. |
355742 |
EAR deployment has been improved to take care of some special cases with interface inheritance. |
355691 |
Sybase UDDI server returns duplicate Business Services when searching. |
355624 |
Error message in Jaguar.log when connecting to ODBC Unicode connection cache. |
355330 |
ejb/ee/pm failed with not getting expected EJBException. |
355117 |
Exception thrown after deleted Resource Environment reference. |
354995 |
Memory monitoring does not work well on multi-CPU Solaris box. |
354897 |
Servlet fails to find the expected head. |
354779 |
Optimize Java-Java intercomponent calls by passing arguments locally. |
354530 |
When calling a Web service of type PB component and passing in a blob as a reference in a structure, PB hangs. It works ok when the Web service returns the blob as type string and works ok when returning a small blob. |
354240 |
Messages delivered to MDB.onMessage() are counted as DISCARDED instead of DELIVERED. |
354166 | property deployment issue. |
354148 |
EAServer is not converting double-byte data in a JSP file correctly. |
354143 |
Cannot find collection error: uddi-server when apply in Security Administration. |
354065 |
Cannot start EAServer from Eclipse after input script file. |
354062 |
Win2003 IIS redirector plug-in causes EAServer to crash when connects. |
354058 |
Null pointer exceptions in Jaguarhttpservlet.log in a newly installed server. |
353983 |
Cannot add methods to a local interface EJB 2.0 with EAServer Manager. |
353967 |
Role/User created by jagtool cannot refresh server. |
353958 |
serverstart script needs IPV6/IPV4 in “Usage” info. |
353926 |
New service cannot be added in System Management. |
353905 |
Listener value shows horizontal bar in Systems Management. |
353857 |
Primary server core dumps when joining with the secondary. |
353847 |
Eclipse disallow does not work, method can still be invoked. |
353824 |
Naming profile crashes server in EAServer cluster when configured for IPv6. |
353751 |
LogFileViewer cause stacktrace when server is shut down. |
353749 |
Always receive a “fail to save” error message when creating a new handler. |
353744 |
Use of NON THREAD SAFE API localtime on UNIX platform. |
353741 |
“Error while connecting” exception is thrown when reconfiguring EAServer from Serv. |
353697 |
A specified JPDA port does not work. |
353696 |
Component Properties changes are not saved. |
353643 |
No appropriate message when exporting a component. |
353619 |
EAServer Manager instructs users to restart after changing class loader options. |
353402 |
Improve cluster creations in EAServer Manager. |
353209 |
EAServer does not recognize EAS_EE license using SySAM. |
353181 |
CMP creation failure with optimistic concurrency control when using Oracle9i. |
353078 |
Error messages when generating skeletons in EAServer Manager. |
351742 |
URL for local UDDI server should be automatically constructed in UDDiPlugin. |
350929 |
Exception in ReleaseConnectionToJaguar() for JDBC. |
350050 |
On connector, different connection spec should get different managed connection back. |
347773 |
Business Contacts Page in UDDI Browser should show multiple phone, e-mail, address, and description elements. Also each should have a use type. |
344802 |
Implement Java in memory mirror caching. |
344230 |
When I set Japanese data like Jaguar's description and role name and description, I can't display these value on the right frame in Web Console. But It's okay on the left frame. |
342484 |
Provide Unicode db handle to PowerBuilder 10 component. |
332796 |
The connector property allows specification of only one JAR file in java/classes. Change to allow a comma-separated list of directories and JAR files. |
316345 |
Enhancement request for last-resource commit optimization in connectors. |
300850 |
Jaguar Server uses deprecated ODBC functions. |
299009 |
“flush cache” is always enabled even if “Enable Static Page Caching” is off. |
263069 |
Missing support for object reference parameters in EJB QL. |
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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