You should be familiar with SSL concepts and terms before you run this tutorial. Refer to Chapter 1, “Security Concepts” for an overview of SSL concepts and Chapter 14, “Managing Keys and Certificates” to learn how to use EAServer Manager | Certificates folder, and the standalone Security Manager.
This tutorial has three phases:
Setting up your browser – export a personal certificate signed by Jaguar’s test Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and import it in to a browser. You will use this certificate to authenticate yourself when you connect to EAServer listeners that require client authentication.
Setting up EAServer – use EAServer Manager | Certificates folder and to:
Generate a user certificate signed by the test CA. This certificate is used for EAServer authentication.
Create a security profile that uses the generated certificate. The security profile defines various aspects of a secure connection, encryption strength, whether the client and/or server require authentication, and so on.
Define a listener and assign to it a security profile. This establishes the security parameters of an EAServer port.
Running the SSL sample applet – connect to the HTML page that contains the applet from your browser on a secure HTTPS listener and run the sample applet.
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