Obtain and install a personal certificate  Creating and assigning a security profile to a listener

Chapter 16: Tutorial: Using SSL

Setting up EAServer

In this section, you will create a user certificate that is signed by the test CA and used for server authentication. You will assign this certificate to a security profile, and assign the security profile to a listener.

StepsCreating a user certificate from EAServer Manager | Certificates folder

  1. Highlight the CA Certificates folder.

  2. Select File | Generate User Test Certificate.

  3. Provide the information in the Generate User Test Certificate wizard as follows:

  4. Click Next. Provide your personal and site information as requested in the Certificate Request Information window. Refer to “User test certificate information” in Chapter 14, “Managing Keys and Certificates” for information on these fields.

  5. Click Finish. EAServer Manager | Certificates folder generates a user certificate that is signed by the test CA. To view the certificate, highlight the Users Certificates folder.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Creating and assigning a security profile to a listener

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