Chapter 13: Security Configuration Tasks  Assigning users and groups to roles

Chapter 13: Security Configuration Tasks

Configuring EAServer roles

EAServer’s authorization model is based on roles, which are defined in EAServer Manager. Each role can include and exclude specific user names or digital IDs. If you use native operating system authentication, you can also include and exclude operating system group names; all users in the specified group are affected.

Roles are attached to EAServer packages and components. A package or component’s role controls access as follows:

You must either refresh or restart EAServer for any role changes to take effect.

StepsRefreshing EAServer

  1. Highlight the Roles folder.

  2. Select File | Refresh.

StepsDefining a new role

  1. Highlight the Roles folder.

  2. Select File | New Role. Enter the required information in the subsequent dialogs:

StepsDeleting an existing role

  1. Highlight the Roles folder. You see a list of existing roles.

  2. Highlight the role you want to delete.

  3. Right-click the role and select Delete. This option is available only to the owner of the role or the jagadmin user.

  4. Click Yes to confirm deletion of the selected role.

NoteOnly the owner or a member of the role named Admin Role can delete a role, except for Admin Role itself, which cannot be deleted. See “Admin role in EAServer” for more information.

StepsModifying an existing role

  1. Highlight the Roles folder. You see a list of existing roles.

  2. Highlight the role you want to modify.

  3. Select File | Properties.

  4. Make your modifications and click OK.

StepsAdding an existing role, or creating and adding a new role to a package, component, or method

  1. Double-click the icon for the package, component, or method to expand the folders beneath it. Highlight the Role Membership folder.

  2. Select File | Install Role. Then select one of the following options from the Role wizard:

NoteA package, component, or method with no roles or role memberships defined has no access restrictions.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Assigning users and groups to roles

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