Using the SSLServiceProvider interface  Choosing a security characteristic

Chapter 8: Using SSL in ActiveX Clients

SSL properties

Table 8-1 lists the ORB and SSLServiceProvider properties that govern the use of SSL. In addition, you need to connect to a server address that can support your chosen level of security, as described in “Secure server addresses”.

Some properties, if not set or set incorrectly, cause the ORB to invoke an SSL callback method. If you do not install an SSL callback, the default callback implementation aborts the connection attempt.

Table 8-1: SSL Properties

Property name for ORB.init

Property name for SSLServiceProvider




Always required when using SSL.

Specifies the PKCS #11 token PIN. This is required for logging in to a PKCS #11 token for client authentication and for retrieving trust information.

This property cannot be retrieved.

If not set, set to "any", or set incorrectly, the ORB invokes the getPin callback method.



Required when using mutual authentication.

Specifies the client certificate to use if the connection requires mutual authentication. The label is a simple name that identifies an X.509 certificate/private key in a PKCS #11 token. If the property is not set and the connection requires mutual authentication, the ORB invokes the getCertificateLabel callback method, passing the list of available certificate names as an input parameter.



Always required when using SSL.

Specifies the name of a security characteristic to use. See “Choosing a security characteristic” for more information.



Specifies user data (String datatype). This is an optional property. Client code can set user data during ORB initialization and access it using SSLSessionInfo::getProperty method in the SSL callback implementation. This may be useful as a mechanism to store ORB-level context information that is otherwise not available through the SSLSessionInfo interface.



Specifies whether to use the Entrust ID or the Sybase PKCS #11 token for authentication. If this property is set to “false” (the default), Sybase PKCS #11 token properties are valid and Entrust-specific properties are ignored. If this property is set to “true”, Entrust-specific properties are valid and Sybase PKCS #11 token properties are ignored.



Specifies the full path to the file containing an Entrust user profile. This property is optional when the Entrust single-login feature is available and required when this feature is not available. If not set, the ORB invokes the getCredentialAttribute callback method.



Specifies the password for logging in to Entrust with the specified user profile. This property is optional when the Entrust single-login feature is available and required when this feature is not available. If the password is required but not set or set incorrectly, the ORB invokes the getPin callback method.

This property cannot be retrieved.



Specifies the path name for the Entrust INI file that provides information on how to access Entrust. This is required when the useEntrustid property is set to true.

If not set, the ORB invokes the getCredentialAttribute callback method.



The PROGID for an ActiveX component that acts as an SSL callback.



DLL, package, and component name of a C++ pseudocomponent that acts as an SSL callback, specified as:


See “Implementing an SSL callback” for more information.



Retrieve only. A list of available security characteristics. The qop property can be set only to values that appear in this list.



Retrieve only. A list of descriptions for the available security characteristics, in the same order as listed in the value of the availableQop property.



Retrieve only. Returns “true” if Entrust PKI software is available on the client, “false” otherwise.



The time in seconds before the login to the Sybase certificate database expires. The default timeout is indefinite. Before the login times out, the certificate password is cached and used for multiple SSL connections. In other words, the PIN must be presented only once before the timeout expires or the client program terminates, whichever occurs first.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Choosing a security characteristic

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