Authorization  Chapter 4: Securing TDS Client Access

Chapter 3: Using Web Application Security

Role mapping

This section describes how to map EAServer roles to J2EE roles. Members of J2EE roles can be granted permission (authorized) to access Web resources protected by security constraints.

StepsMapping an EAServer role to a J2EE role

  1. Select the Role Mapping tab from the Web application properties window.

  2. Click Add. Double-click the J2EE role and enter a name. You can also enter a description for the role in the provided field.

  3. Select an EAServer role from the drop-down list. This is the role from which the J2EE role inherits its permissions and members.

    See “Configuring EAServer roles” for more information.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 4: Securing TDS Client Access

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