Web application
property names begin with com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication
The application where this Web application is installed.
The application name, or no value if the Web application is not installed in any application.
A Web application can be installed in one application, or directly to one or more servers. A Web application cannot be installed both directly in a server and to an application.
com.sybase.jaguar.application.webapplications, com.sybase.jaguar.server.webapplications
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.locale-sensitive.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.locale-sensitive.
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.message-topics.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.message-topics.
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.request-headers.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.request-headers.
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.request-parameters.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.request-parameters.
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.session-attributes.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.session-attributes.
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.timeout.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.timeout.
For installed servlets, specifies the default for the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.use-sessionid.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.cache.use-sessionid.
Specifies the character set for JSP or servlet request body data (retrieved with ServletRequest.getReader or ServletRequest.getInputStream).
A list of URL-pattern and Java character set name pairs. Use this syntax, where URL_pattern is the URL pattern to which the character set applies, and character_set is the name of the Java character set:
(url-pattern=URL_pattern,charset=character_set), (url-pattern=URL_pattern,charset=character_set)
For example, for a Web application with two directories, /en and /ko, in its document root where all files under /en are 8859_1 encoded and all files under /ko are KSC5601 encoded, specify the character sets like this:
(url-pattern=/en/*,charset=8859_1), (url-pattern=/ko/*,charset=KSC5601)
The server’s default character set is used for URL patterns that are not specified. If you specify a character set that is not supported, it is not added to the mapping and the server’s default character set is used.
This property is not supported for the default Web application.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.inputparam, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.jspcompile, Chapter 21, “Creating Web Applications,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
Specifies the character set for servlet and JSP request parameters.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.inputdata.
This property is not supported for the default Web application.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.inputdata, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.jspcompile,, Chapter 21, “Creating Web Applications,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
Specifies the character set for JSP compilation.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.inputdata.
This property is not supported for the default Web application.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.inputdata, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.charset.inputparam,, Chapter 21, “Creating Web Applications,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
Specifies how the custom class loader (version 2) resolves version conflicts when you specify the same class at multiple levels in the class loader hierarchy.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.application.classloaderpolicy.
com.sybase.jaguar.server.jvm.classloader, com.sybase.jaguar.application.classloaderpolicy, com.sybase.jaguar.component.classloaderpolicy, com.sybase.jaguar.package.classloaderpolicy
Chapter 30, “Configuring Custom Java Class Lists,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
Specifies the context initialization parameters for the servlets in the Web application.
Same as the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.server.servlet.context-param.
All servlets and JSPs in a Web application share a common set of context initialization properties specified by the deployment descriptor. Servlet code can retrieve the values by calling the getInitParamers() and getInitParameterNames() methods in interface javax.Servlet.ServletContext.
Environment properties can be used for the same purpose as context-initialization properties, and allow additional datatypes besides java.lang.String.
See com.sybase.jaguar.server.servlet.context-param for an explanation of context parameters.
The request-path prefix that clients use in URLs to access your Web application’s static content, servlets, and JSPs.
The context path, which must be a string containing no path separators. For example, if you enter “estore,” users access your Web application with the prefix:
The default context path is the name of the Web application.
Specifies whether session data cookies are persistent or temporary.
or false
The default is false
, which
means cookies are temporary.
When this property is false (the default), EAServer stores session data in temporary cookies. When set to true, EAServer sends a persistent cookie that expires when the Web application session-timeout setting expires. This property affects only the cookies that EAServer creates to store session data for the Web application (available to servlets and JSPs via request.getSession). It does not affect cookies created explicitly by servlets and JSPs.
Specifies dependencies on standard Java extensions.
A string of the form:
dep1, dep2, dep3, ...
Where dep1, dep1, dep3 are of the form:
Table B-23 describes the values and the corresponding entries in the manifest.mf file within an extension JAR file.
Property value |
Manifest entry |
Description |
name |
The extension name. |
vnum |
The version number of the specification that the extension conforms to. |
spec-vendor |
The company or organization responsible for the specification that the extension conforms to. |
inum |
The implementation version number. |
impl-vendor |
The company or organization responsible for the implementation. |
impl-vendor-id |
A unique identifier for the company or organization responsible for the implementation. Usually follows the reverse-domain naming convention used in Java packages, for example, “com.sybase.” |
impl-url |
A Web URL to obtain information on the implementation. |
Specifies a default page to redirect to if a servlet uses direct form login to authenticate the user.
The page URL. You can override the setting in the servlet session properties before submitting the direct form login request. If no page is specified in the session or Web application properties, EAServer redirects the user to the Web application’s welcome page.
Direct form login allows you to authenticate the user without requiring them to visit the form login page. For more information, see “Web application direct form login” in Chapter 3, “Using Web Application Security,” in the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide.
The number of seconds that EAServer should wait for servlet service calls to return before calling the servlet destroy method. Affects all servlets installed in the Web application.
The timeout value in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinity.
Specifies whether multiple instances of the Web application can run in a distributed server environment on different servers.
or false
The default is false
Setting this property to true causes Web client session data to be stored in a remote database, so all servers in a cluster can share the data. Additional configuration is required to configure the data store. See Chapter 21, “Creating Web Applications,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide for more information.
Specifies how EAServer replicates HTTP session data for distributable Web applications.
Allowable values are:
Value |
To indicate |
The default EAServer replicates session data using persistent storage provided by a remote database. |
EAServer replicates session data in-memory. See Chapter 21, “Creating Web Applications,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide for more information. |
Specifies the class name for a custom DOM XML parser factory class.
The class name. Either the class name, or, if the class is in a JAR file, the JAR file name, must be listed in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.java.classes property. The file must be placed in one of the following directories; EAServer searches the directories in the given order:
The WEB-INF/lib directory under the Web application’s context root
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.DOMFactoryChoice, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.SAXfactory, com.sybase.jaguar.server.XSLTfactory
Specifies a list of EJB local references that define aliased JNDI names for local EJB components invoked by servlets in the Web application.
ejb-ref1, ejb-ref2, ...
Where ejb-ref1, ejb-ref2, and so forth follow the syntax of EJB local reference properties.
Use this property for beans invoked through the local interface. Use com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.ejb-ref for beans invoked through the remote interface.
EJB local reference properties, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.ejb-ref
Specifies a list of EJB references that define aliased JNDI names for EJB components invoked by servlets in the Web application.
ejb-ref1, ejb-ref2, ...
Where ejb-ref1, ejb-ref2, and so forth follow the syntax of EJB reference properties.
Use this property for beans invoked through the remote interface. Use com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.ejb-local-ref for beans invoked through the local interface.
EJB reference properties, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.ejb-local-ref
Environment properties allow you to specify global read-only
data for use by the servlets in the Web application. Servlets must
use JNDI to retrieve environment properties, using the prefix java:comp/env
JNDI lookups.
Specifies additional files to be included when the Web application is exported into a Jaguar JAR file or replicated using the synchronization feature.
Same as com.sybase.jaguar.applicationclient.files.
Associates filters with servlets and URL paths.
mapping1, mapping2, mapping3, ...
Where mapping1, mapping2, mapping3 are strings of the form:
desc is an optional description of the mapping.
filter is the filter name.
type is url-pattern
or servlet-name
pattern-or-servlet is the servlet
name (if type is servlet-name) or URL pattern (if type is url-pattern
Specifies filters installed in this Web application.
A comma-separated list of filter names.
Filter properties, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.filters
When using a Web server redirector, configures the source for information returned by the HTTPServletRequest methods getScheme, getServerPort, and getServerName.
A value from the following table:
Value |
Specifies |
Return the server, host, and scheme (protocol) for the Web server that is running the redirector. |
Return the server, host, and scheme (protocol) for the EAServer listener to which the redirector connects. |
Return the scheme (protocol), host, and port from the HTTP proxy settings on the HTTP Config tab in Server Properties. If these settings are not present, use the EAServer listener values. |
If set to true, the server HTTP Domain Name property (com.sybase.jaguar.server.http.domainname) is ignored for this Web application.
or false
The default is false
com.sybase.jaguar.server.http.domainname, “Configuring redirection addresses when using a proxy server”
Specifies how long to wait for each installed servlet’s init method to return.
Same as the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.init.timeout. You can override the setting for individual servlets by setting this servlet property.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.destroy-wait-time, com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.init.timeout
Specifies the XSLT parser configuration displayed in EAServer Manager.
Value |
To indicate |
0 |
No parse |
1 |
Platform default |
2 |
The parser specified by the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.DOMfactory property |
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.DOMfactory, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.SAXFactoryChoice, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.XSLTFactoryChoice
Specifies the SAX parser configuration displayed in EAServer Manager.
Value |
To indicate |
0 |
No parser |
1 |
Platform default |
2 |
The parser specified by the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.SAXfactory property |
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.SAXfactory, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.DOMFactoryChoice, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.XSLTFactoryChoice
Specifies the XSLT parser configuration displayed in EAServer Manager.
Value |
To indicate |
0 |
No parser |
1 |
Platform default |
2 |
The parser specified by the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.XSLTfactory property |
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.XSLTfactory, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.DOMFactoryChoice, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.SAXFactoryChoice
Specifies the class loading order when classes are loaded from JAR files in the WEB-INF/lib directory under the Web application’s context root.
A comma-separated list of JAR files. JAR files not listed in this property are loaded in directory order; that is, the order that they are returned in a directory listing.
Specifies additional classes and JAR files to be loaded by the Web application’s custom class loader, in addition to those deployed in the WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes directories.
Same as for com.sybase.jaguar.application.java.classes.
See “Custom class lists for Web applications” in Chapter 30, “Configuring Custom Java Class Lists,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
In EAServer Manager, set this property using the Java Classes tab in the Application Properties dialog box.
com.sybase.jaguar.application.java.classes, com.sybase.jaguar.server.java.classes, com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.java.classes
Specifies additional JAR files and directories to include in the JSP compiler class path.
Specify the paths in a comma separated list, with paths relative to the EAServer installation directory. For example, to include $JAGUAR/java/lib/iaws.jar and $JAGUAR/java/classes/extra.jar you would set the property to:
Specifies whether the EAServer process CLASSPATH should be included in the compilation class path when compiling JSPs.
or false
The default of true
that the server class path should be included. Set this property
to false
to exclude entries
from the EAServer process CLASSPATH setting in the JSP compiler
class path.
Specifies whether JAR files in the EAServer java/lib directory are automatically be included in the class path when compiling JSPs.
or false
If this property is true
, all
JAR files in this directory are included. The default is false
This property is ignored if the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jsp.compile-use-third-party property is set to true
Determines if and when the JSP runtime checks whether a JSP is current by comparing the modification times of the class and source files.
Integer values, with the following meaning:
If set to a negative number, the JSP runtime never checks.
If set to 0, the JSP runtime always checks.
To specify the number of seconds before the next check, set the value to a number greater than 0. If a request comes in before the time expires, the JSP is not checked.
If not set, the default is 1, which is appropriate for development testing. In production servers where JSP source files do not change, you can set the value to -1 or any negative value for improved performance.
Enables preservation of Java source files that EAServer generates to create servlets when compiling the JSPs installed in this Web application.
or false
The default of false
that EAServer deletes generated Java source files after compiling
“Source and class file locations” in Chapter 24, “Creating JavaServer Pages,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
Specifies the name of the large icon file associated with the Web application. This property is not used in EAServer, but accommodated to comply with the Servlet 2.3 Web archive descriptor.
A file name.
Enables and disables lazy verification for distributed HTTP sessions.
or false
The default is false
, which
disables lazy authentication.
This setting affects only distributed Web applications. In the default configuration, EAServer validates a client’s HTTP session during each request. If you enable lazy validation, EAServer validates the session only when a servlet or JSP calls ServletRequest.getSession() or ServletRequest.getSession(boolean).
Lazy validation can improve performance. However, enabling lazy authentication has the following side effects:
The last-accessed-time session attribute is set only when the servlet or JSP accesses the session. Consequently, the session may expire sooner than expected if the client accesses only static pages or servlets and JSPs that do not access the session data.
When the session is invalidated, the client is not assigned a new session until they request a page that requires a session.
The client’s security credentials (if any) are available only to JSPs and servlets that are marked protected via the security constraints property. Other pages cannot retrieve the client’s credentials—the ServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() method returns null even though the client is logged in.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.distributable, “Deploying Web applications to a cluster”.
Specifies application life cycle event listeners installed in this Web application.
A comma-separated list of listener class names. Listeners are notified in the order that they are listed.
Configures login authentication for the Web application.
Variable |
Specifies |
lpage |
When method is FORM, the login form page. Unused for other methods. |
epage |
When method is FORM, the login error page. |
realm |
The realm name. When using the BASIC authentication method, some browsers display the realm name when prompting for authentication credentials. |
method |
One of the following:
“Web Application Security” in the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide explains these options in more detail and describes how to create login and error form pages. |
Configures MIME mappings for the Web application to augment or override the server’s default MIME mappings.
Same as the servlet property com.sybase.jaguar.server.servlet.mime-mapping.
Specifies the Web application name.
The name.
Specifies whether the Web application can be refreshed.
or false
The default is true
, which
allows refresh. If set to false
, refresh
operations from EAServer Manager, jagtool, and the management API do
not reload this Web application or its installed Web components.
Resource environment references are logical names applied to objects administered by EAServer.
See Resource environment reference properties.
In EAServer Manager, set this property using the Resource Env Refs tab in the Web Application Properties dialog box.
Resource environment reference properties.
Specifies aliased JNDI names for database connections, JavaMail sessions, and URL factories used by the Web application.
See Resource reference properties.
In EAServer Manager, set this property using the Resource Refs tab in the Web Application Properties dialog box.
Resource reference properties.
Maps an identity name used in servlet properties to an identity defined in the EAServer repository.
Specify the identity referenced in a servlet com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.security.runasidentity property in the property name, for example:
Specify the mapped EAServer identity as the value, for example:
Security properties, com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.security.runasidentity
Specifies the class name for a custom SAX XML parser factory class.
The class name. Either the class name, or, if the class is in a JAR file, the JAR file name, must be listed in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.java.classes property. The file must be placed in one of the following directories; EAServer searches the directories in the given order:
The WEB-INF/lib directory under the Web application’s context root
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.SAXFactoryChoice, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.DOMfactory, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.XSLTfactory
Enables and disables security implementation tracing.
or false
The default is false
Associates required user roles and transport security for Web resource collections defined in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.web-resource-collection property.
constraint1,constraint2, ...
Where constraint1, constraint2, and so forth are of the form:
(sec-constraint-name=constraint-name,web-res-list=(res-list),user-data-constraint=(desc=desc, transport-guarantee=transport),auth-constraint=(description=desc,name=(role-list)))
Variable |
Specifies |
constraint-name |
The constraint name, which must be unique. |
res-list |
A comma-separated list of Web resource collection names, defined in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.web-resource-collection property. |
desc |
An optional text description. Neither of the two description values are displayed in EAServer Manager. |
transport |
The required network transport security. One of:
role-list |
A comma-separated list of logical role names defined in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-roles property. |
For more information on configuring Web application security, see Chapter 3, “Using Web Application Security,” in the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.login-config, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-roles, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.web-resource-collection
Specifies a mapping from a J2EE role name used in the Web application to a role defined in the EAServer repository.
j2ee-role is the role name used in the Web application com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-constraint property and listed in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-roles property.
jag-role is the role name defined in the EAServer repository.
In EAServer Manager, set this property using the Role Mapping tab in the Web Application Properties dialog box.
Role names may also be specified at the Application or Web application level.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-constraint, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-roles, com.sybase.jaguar.application.security-role.<j2ee-role>, com.sybase.jaguar.application.security-roles
Specifies logical J2EE role names used in the Web application com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-constraint property.
role1, role2, ...
Where role1, role2, and so forth are of the form:
(description=role-desc, name=role-name)
Where role-desc is an optional description of the role, and role-name is the name used in the application.
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-role.<j2ee-role>, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-constraint, com.sybase.jaguar.application.security-roles
Associates installed servlets with request paths.
Same as the Web application property com.sybase.jaguar.server.servlet.servlet-mapping.
Configures HTTP session properties.
Where timeout is the session timeout in minutes. A value of 0 indicates that sessions do not expire.
Specifies how a Web application sends and receives the HTTP session identifier. The identifier can be sent as a cookie, or it can be encoded in the URL. To encode the session identifier as part of the URL (also known as URL rewriting), servlet and JSP developers must call the HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String) method or equivalent methods.
Value |
To indicate |
Session IDs are always encoded in URLs, provided servlet and JSP developers call the encodeURL(String) method or equivalent methods. Cookies are never used to store the session ID. |
The generated session ID is returned as a cookie. If the user has disabled cookies, no HTTP session can be created. If encodeURL(String) or other equivalent methods are called, the session ID is not encoded into the URL. |
When a session is created, the session ID is encoded in the response URL (provided servlet and JSP developers call the encodeURL(String) method or equivalent methods). The ID is also returned in a cookie. When reading an HTTP request from a client, the server tries to obtain the identifier from the current URL; failing that, the session ID is obtained from the cookie if present. If the ID cannot be obtained from the URL or a cookie, the session is not restored. |
When a session is created, EAServer returns the session ID to the client in a cookie if possible, otherwise the session ID is encoded in the URL (provided servlet and JSP developers call the encodeURL(String) method or equivalent methods). If cookies are supported, the session ID is not embedded in the URL even if encodeURL is called. When reading an HTTP request from a client, the server will try to obtain the identifier from the cookie; failing that, the session ID is obtained from the URL. If no cookie is present, and the URL does not contain a session ID, no session is restored. |
This property applies to both regular and authenticated sessions. You can set this property to specify exactly what session mechanism the client must support when connecting to the Web application.
When URL encoding is used with HTTP connections, it is possible
for users to impersonate another user by capturing the encoded URL
and resubmitting it on their own connection. To prevent such attacks
completely, set this property to cookie
use an HTTPS connection with encryption enabled. To minimize the likelihood
of such attacks, set the property to cookie,url
Enables sharing of JSP class files by servers that run from the same EAServer installation.
or false
The default is false
“Source and class file locations” in Chapter 24, “Creating JavaServer Pages,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
Specifies the name of the small icon file associated with the Web application. This property is not used in EAServer, but accommodated to comply with the Servlet 2.3 Web archive descriptor.
A file name.
Configures path aliases for JSP Tag Library Descriptors (TLDs) used in the Web application.
Where alias is the path used in JSP source code, and real-path is the TLD files location relative to the Web application’s context root.
Where alias1, alias2, and so forth are alias definitions of the form:
(taglib-uri=alias, taglib-location=real-path)
Variable |
Specifies |
alias |
Is the path used in JSP source code |
real-path |
Is the TLD file’s location relative to the Web application’s context root |
Specifies a collection of request paths to be protected by security constraints.
Where set1, set2, and so forth are of the form:
Variable |
Specifies |
name |
The name used to refer to this collection in com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.security-constraint property. For compatibility with EAServer Manager, use the format: constraint/display Where constraint is the security constraint that uses this collection, and display is the collection name displayed when this resource collection is viewed and edited in EAServer Manager. |
methods |
A comma-separated list of HTTP methods
that can include: |
patterns |
A comma-separated list of URL patterns associated with the collection, for example: /control/*,welcome.htm |
Configures welcome files for the Web application. Welcome files are used to satisfy HTTP requests that end in a directory name, rather than specifying the full path to a file or a path that is mapped to a servlet invocation.
A comma-separated list of file names which cannot contain path separators.
Specifies the class name for a custom XSLT XML parser factory class.
The class name. Either the class name, or, if the class is in a JAR file, the JAR file name, must be listed in the com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.java.classes property. The file must be placed in one of the following directories; EAServer searches the directories in the given order:
The WEB-INF/lib directory under the Web application’s context root
com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.jagmgr.XSLTFactoryChoice, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.DOMfactory, com.sybase.jaguar.webapplication.SAXfactory
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |