EAServer Manager allows you to create an archive file containing component definitions and implementation files for all components in a package or a single component. You can export archive files from packages on your development server and import them to your production server. If the JAR file contains a single component, it must be installed to a package with the same name as the one from which it was exported.
Deploying packages between servers using archive
Start EAServer Manager on the test server host and connect to the test server.
Optionally, configure the package properties to specify the list of additional files to be included in the package archive. In the Package Properties window, you can use the Additional Files tab to set the com.sybase.jaguar.package.files property, as described in the online help.
By default, all component implementation files and required stub files are included in the archive. You may want to include other files, such as project descriptions, client applets, and HTML pages. You can specify additional files either by setting the package or component properties or when generating the package archive.
Export an archive of the application’s EAServer packages. This step creates a Java archive (JAR) file containing the component definition files and implementation files. “Exporting a package archive” describes this step in detail.
Copy the JAR file to the production server.
Start EAServer Manager on the production server host, and connect to the production server.
Import the JAR file containing the package archive into the production server. “Importing a package archive” describes this step in detail.
If you have copied the package between host machines that have different architectures, recompile the components to run on the new architecture.
Exporting a package archive
Start EAServer Manager, and connect to the server where the package is installed.
Highlight the package you are exporting.
Select File | Export | EAServer JAR.
The Export dialog box appears.
For each C/C++ component in your package, provide the name of the corresponding DLL or shared-library file. No input is required for Java components.
Click the Misc. Information button to add any other files that you want to include with the package. These files can include HTML files, project files, and so on.
Use the Browse, Add, and OK buttons to add other files to the JAR file. To delete a miscellaneous file, highlight the file and click Delete. Click Done when all the files you want to include are listed in the dialog box.
Click OK.
The exporter locates the Java class and C/C++ shared library files and combines them with the miscellaneous files you selected into a JAR file.
Importing a package archive
Copy the JAR file containing the package definition to the host machine for the target server.
Start EAServer Manager and connect to the target server.
Expand the Packages folder and verify that the package to be imported does not already exist. If it does, select it and delete the package.
Highlight the packages folder, and select File | Import.
The Import dialog box appears:
Use the Browse button to locate the JAR file that you are importing.
Enter the full path of the directory where you want the archive to be unbundled. This directory becomes the root directory from which the JAR file is unbundled. Unbundling creates the subdirectories, class files, DLLs, and any other files that were included in the exported JAR file.
Click Import.
Exporting a component as an EAServer JAR file
Highlight the icon for the component you are exporting. .
Select File | Export | EAServer JAR.
The Export dialog box appears. Enter the full path of the directory where the JAR file is to be created.
Click OK. EAServer Manager creates the file name component.jar, where component is the name of the selected component.
Importing a single component from an EAServer
JAR file
If the JAR file contains a single component, it must be installed in a package with the same name as the one where it was originally installed. Create this package if necessary. Import the component as follows:
Highlight the package from which the component was exported.
Choose File | Deploy | EAServer JAR.
Use the Browse button to select the JAR file, or type the full path to the file.
Click OK to begin importing.
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