package com.sybase.CORBA.jdbc11;
public abstract class SQL
Provides methods to convert EAServer’s predefined CORBA IDL datatypes to core Java datatypes.
None. All methods are static.
getBigDecimal(BCD.Decimal) – Converts a BCD::Decimal CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.math.BigDecimal.
getBigDecimal(BCD.Money) – Converts a BCD::Money CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.math.BigDecimal.
getDate(MJD.Date) – Converts an MJD::Date CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.Date object.
getResultSet(TabularResults.ResultSet) – Converts a TabularResults::ResultSet CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.ResultSet object.
getTime(MJD.Time) – Converts an MJD::Time CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.Time object.
getTimestamp(MJD.Timestamp) – Converts an MJD::Timestamp CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.Timestamp object.
com.sybase.CORBA.jdbc11.IDL class
Converts a BCD::Decimal CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.math.BigDecimal.
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public static java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(BCD.Decimal value)
A BCD.Decimal value to be converted.
The value converted to an equivalent java.math.BigDecimal value.
getBigDecimal(BCD.Decimal), getBigDecimal(BCD.Money), IDL.getDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)
Converts a BCD::Money CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.math.BigDecimal.
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public static java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(BCD.Money value)
A BCD.Money value to be converted.
The value converted to an equivalent java.math.BigDecimal value.
getBigDecimal(BCD.Decimal), IDL.getMoney(java.math.BigDecimal)
Converts an MJD::Date CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.Date object.
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public static java.sql.Date getDate(MJD.Date value)
An MJD::Date value to be converted.
The value converted to an equivalent java.sql.Date value.
getTime(MJD.Time), getTimestamp(MJD.Timestamp), IDL.getDate(java.sql.Date)
Converts a TabularResults::ResultSet CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.ResultSet object.
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public static java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(TabularResults.ResultSet rs)
A TabularResults.ResultSet object to be converted.
The value converted to an equivalent java.sql.ResultSet value.
Converts an MJD::Time CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.Time object.
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public static java.sql.Time getTime(MJD.Time value)
An MJD.Time value to be converted.
The value converted to an equivalent java.sql.Time value.
getDate(MJD.Date), getTimestamp(MJD.Timestamp), IDL.getTime(java.sql.Time)
Converts an MJD::Timestamp CORBA IDL object to an equivalent java.sql.Timestamp object.
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public static java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(MJD.Timestamp value)
An MJD.Timestamp value to be converted.
The value converted to an equivalent java.sql.Timestamp value.
getDate(MJD.Date), getTime(MJD.Time), IDL.getTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp)
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