By default, the ActiveX proxy raises an ActiveX exception when an EAServer component method raises an exception or an internal error occurs. Visual Basic and most other ActiveX scripting tools do not allow you to handle these errors inline. Instead, control transfers to an error handler (specified by on error goto in Visual Basic) or to a system-wide error dialog box. To handle proxy errors inline, you must enable inline exception handling as described in “Handling exceptions inline”.
In C++, the OLE EXCEPINFO structure describes an ActiveX exception. Different ActiveX-enabled IDEs provide different mechanisms for applications to obtain the EXCEPINFO structure contents.
In Visual Basic, exceptions are mapped to the built-in Err object. The exception number maps to Err.Number and the description is available as Err.Description. You can handle exceptions by activating error handling code with On Error Goto statement or by checking whether Err.Number is > 0.
The proxy type library defines error numbers for client-side errors in the JagORBClientErrNum enumeration and server-side error numbers in the JagORBServerErrNum enumeration.
IDL user-defined exceptions are not supported and are
mapped to error number 9000.
Table 20-1 lists the codes for client-side error numbers defined in the JagORBClientErrNum enumeration:
Symbolic error code |
Number |
Description |
jagClNonByteArrayErr |
8000 |
Method arguments of type array can only have a base element type of byte. |
jagClMultiDimArrayErr |
8001 |
Multi-dimensional arrays not supported as an argument to a method. |
jagClArrayRedimErr |
8002 |
A Fatal Internal Error was encountered while attempting to resize a method argument of type array. |
jagClArrayProcErr |
8003 |
A Fatal Internal Error was encountered while processing a method argument of type array. |
jagClArrayEmptyErr |
8004 |
An array of size 0 was passed as parameter to a method. |
jagClArrayBoundsErr |
8005 |
A Fatal Internal Error was encounterd while attempting to determine the upper bound on a method argument of type array. |
jagClNotJagComponentErr |
8006 |
The component being instantiated is not a valid EAServer component or was not registered in the Windows Registry. |
jagClOutOfMem |
8007 |
The Application failed to acquire memory from the Operating System. |
jagClCreateFactErr |
8008 |
The EAServer Proxy Server could not instantiate a Factory Object. Please contact Sybase Technical Support. |
jagClTypeLibErr |
8009 |
The type library for the Component could not read from the Windows Registry. Please check if a valid directory location was specified for the Type Library while registering the component. |
jagClTypeInfoErr |
8010 |
The type information for the Component could not read from the Type Library. Please regenerate TLB and REG files for the component using EAServer Manager. |
jagClMethInfoErr |
8011 |
The metadata for the method or component could not be read from the Windows Registry or the method is using parameter types that are not presently supported in the EAServer ActiveX Proxy. |
jagClMethNameErr |
8012 |
The metadata for the method invoked on component could not be read from the Windows Registry. Please regenerate TLB and REG files for the component using EAServer Manager. |
jagClCompNameErr |
8013 |
The component name for the component being instantiated could not read from the Windows Registry. |
jagClPkgNameErr |
8014 |
The package name for the Component being instantiated could not read from the Windows Registry. |
jagClPxyCreateErr |
8015 |
Component creation failed. |
jagClPxyDestroyErr |
8016 |
Component deletion failed. |
jagClPxyFuncDescErr |
8017 |
The metadata information for the method could not read from the type library. |
jagClArgCountErr |
8018 |
There was a mismatch between the number of parameters passed to method and the number of parameters as described by the information in the type library. |
jagClInternalErr |
8019 |
An error was encountered while invoking an EAServer method. |
jagClParamInfoErr |
8020 |
The type information for a method parameter could not be read from the Type Library. |
jagClTypeMismatchErr |
8021 |
There is a mismatch between type of the value passed as an argument with its specified type in the Type Library. |
jagClConversionErr |
8022 |
The data conversion attempted is presently not supported. |
jagClArgUpdateErr |
8023 |
An error was encountered while updating an input-output or output parameter for a method. |
jagClRetValSetErr |
8024 |
An error was encountered while updating the return value for a method. |
jagClRecsetArgErr |
8025 |
The ResultSet type cannot be passed as a parameter in either the input or input-output modes by an EAServer ActiveX application. |
jagClUnsuppTypeErr |
8026 |
An unsupported OLE Automation type was used as a parameter in a method. |
jagClAxConvertErr |
8027 |
An error was encountered while converting a input-output method parameter received from the server. |
jagClJagConvertErr |
8028 |
An error was encountered while converting a input parameter prior to method invocation. |
jagClNoInitErr |
8029 |
an EAServer component instance must be created prior to invoking a method. |
jagClRecordsetCreateErr |
8030 |
An internal error was encountered while creating the Recordset object. |
jagClRecordsetMoveErr |
8031 |
Attempt to call MoveNext on a RecordSet which has its EOF property as TRUE. |
jagClIteratorPosErr |
8032 |
An invalid position was specified while attempting to retrieve an element from a collection. |
jagClInvalidMethodErr |
8033 |
The only method supported on the generic Object type is Narrow_. |
jagClNarrowFailErr |
8034 |
The object reference cannot be narrowed to the interface name specified. |
jagClInvalidIntfErr |
8035 |
The fully scoped interface name passed as an argument to the Narrow_ method is invalid. |
jagClOrbInitErr |
8036 |
An internal error was encountered while initializing client-side ORB. |
jagClOrbStrToObjErr |
8037 |
An internal error was encountered while invoking the ORB.string_to_object method. |
Table 20-2 lists the codes for server-side error numbers defined in the JagORBServerErrNum enumeration:
Symbolic error code |
Number |
Description |
jagSrvMethExcepErr |
9000 |
The method implementation threw an user-defined exception while executing on the server. |
jagSrvMethInvalidErr |
9001 |
The method name is either invalid or is presently not defined in the component's interface. |
jagSrvMethInvalidArgErr |
9002 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because an invalid number of parameters was passed or a parameter type mismatch occurred. |
jagSrvMethNotImplErr |
9003 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because the component does not implement the method. |
jagSrvCompPermErr |
9004 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because user does not have the permissions to instantiate the component. |
jagSrvCompDeployErr |
9005 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because component implementation was not deployed on the server. |
jagSrvInternalErr |
9006 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed due a fatal internal error. |
jagSrvArgCountErr |
9007 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because an invalid parameter type was used by the method. |
jagSrvSrvConnectErr |
9008 |
The requested operation failed since the client could not to acquire connection to the server. |
jagSrvConversionErr |
9009 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed due to a data conversion error. |
jagSrvFreeMemErr |
9010 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed while releasing memory resources. |
jagSrvIntfReposErr |
9011 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed while trying to access the interface repository. |
jagSrvOutOfMemErr |
9012 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed while trying to acquire memory from the Operating System. |
jagSrvOutOfResErr |
9013 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed since it could not acquire the necessary resources. |
jagSrvSrvRespErr |
9014 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because there was no valid response from the server. |
jagSrvInvObjrefErr |
9015 |
The invocation of the method on the server failed because the object reference is invalid. |
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