Regenerate changed C component methods  Define implementation functions

Appendix C: Creating C Components

Write C components

After you generate method skeletons, prototypes, and implementation templates, write the code for each method in the method implementation file. You can include C or C++ functions in C components. EAServer provides C routines for common C component tasks (see Chapter 5, “C Routines Reference,” in the EAServer API Reference).

To adapt a C++ class for use as a C component, you must write C wrappers. For details, see “C components that are wrappers for C++ classes”.

EAServer Manager creates template files for each method when you define the method signatures (or method prototypes) and generate skeleton routines. You can modify the template files to implement the method bodies, or you can code your methods from scratch according to the rules laid out here.

NoteFunction overloading is not supported for C components.

You can also include EAServer routines to:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Define implementation functions

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