Components that require instance specific data  Methods that interact with remote database servers

Appendix C: Creating C Components

C components that are wrappers for C++ classes

Since methods in a C component must be implemented as C functions, you must code C wrappers for C++ classes.

NoteEAServer provides direct support for running C++ classes as components, as described in Chapter 14, “Creating CORBA C++ Components.” Sybase supports the technique described here, but recommends that you create a C++ component to run your C++ classes directly.

The procedure for creating a wrapper for a C++ class is as follows:

  1. Code a C create function that instantiates the C++ object and stores the object reference as instance-specific data. For example, if the C++ object is StockTrade, create could be implemented as follows:

    CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC create() {
      StockTrade *st_ref;
      ** Create an instance of the C++ 
      ** StockTrade object.
      st_ref = new StockTrade();
      ** Associate it with the EAServer component
      ** instance.
      if (JagSetInstanceData((CS_VOID *)st_ref) 
          != CS_SUCCEED) 
          return CS_FAIL;
      return CS_SUCCEED;
  2. For each C++ method, code a C wrapper function that retrieves the C++ object reference and uses it to call the C++ method. For example, the following shows a C wrapper to call a StockTrade::buyStock C++ method:

          CS_CHAR  *ticker, 
          CS_INT   n_desired, 
          CS_INT   n_bought) 
      StockTrade *st_ref;
      if (JagGetInstanceData((CS_VOID *)&st_ref) 
          != CS_SUCCEED)
        return CS_FAIL;
      st_ref::buyStock(ticker, n_desired,
  3. Code a destroy function that retrieves the C++ object reference and destroys it. For example:

    CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC destroy() {
      StockTrade *st_ref;
      if (JagGetInstanceData((CS_VOID *)&st_ref) 
          != CS_SUCCEED)
        return CS_FAIL;
      delete st_ref;
      return CS_SUCCEED;
  4. Define the EAServer C component to include the C wrapper functions as its methods.

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