Chapter 5: Defining Component Interfaces  Editing interfaces

Chapter 5: Defining Component Interfaces

Defining interfaces graphically

A component’s Interfaces folder contains icons for the IDL interfaces implemented by the component. These interfaces define the methods that can be called by client applications.

When you define a new component, EAServer Manager creates an interface for the component. If you defined the component by importing a Java or ActiveX class, the interface contains IDL definitions matching the Java or ActiveX methods. If you are defining a component from scratch, EAServer Manager creates a new IDL interface with no methods. If you have imported an EJB component, the importer has also created an IDL home interface for the component.

StepsAdding interfaces

Use these steps to configure which interfaces a non-EJB component implements, or to add interfaces to an EJB component in addition to the home and remote interfaces:

  1. Highlight the Interfaces folder beneath the component icon and choose File | Add Interfaces. The Install Interfaces dialog displays.

  2. You can perform the following operations in the dialog:

  3. When you are done, click Install to close the dialog.

  4. If you defined new interfaces, add methods to the interfaces as described below.

StepsRemoving interfaces

These steps remove an interface from the list of interfaces supported by a component, but do not affect the IDL definition:

  1. Expand the Interfaces folder beneath the component icon. The list of interfaces supported by the component displays.

  2. Highlight the interface to remove, and choose File | Remove.

NoteRules for removing interfaces:

StepsChanging the EJB remote or home interface

Home and remote interfaces are used by EJB clients and components. To change a component’s home or remote interface:

  1. Expand the Interfaces folder below the component icon.

  2. Highlight the Interfaces folder and choose File | Set Home interface if changing the home interface, or choose File | Set Remote Interface if changing the remote interface.

  3. Enter an IDL name for the interface, specifying an IDL module hierarchy and interface name to match the intended Java package hierarchy and interface name. For example, if the Java class will be, enter foo::bar::MyBeanHome. EAServer Manager creates specified modules and interfaces if they do not already exist.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Editing interfaces

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