Component settings  Tuning response rate thresholds

Chapter 9: Using the Performance Monitor

Listener settings

To configure thresholds for network throughput, configure the listener properties for the client protocol that requires the threshold. Set the fields listed in Table 9-3 on the Resources tab in the EAServer Manager Listener Properties dialog box.

Table 9-3: Listener response rate threshold settings



Maximum Response Time

The maximum allowable average response time for each request, in seconds. If the average response time rises above this limit, EAServer blocks additional connections until the average drops below the specified limit. The default is -1, which indicates no time limit.

If using jagtool or an external configuration file, you can configure this setting as

Minimum Number of Connections

When the Maximum Response Time is set to a non-default value, specifies the minimum number of clients that must be allowed to execute regardless of observed response times. The default is -1, which means no new connections are blocked by the Performance Monitor.

If using jagtool or an external configuration file, you can configure this setting as

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