JSP file timestamp checking  Understanding HTTP response caching options

Chapter 5: Web Application Tuning

Runtime compilation settings

If your application design requires runtime JSP compilation, you can configure the settings described here to decrease the time required to compile. These settings can also reduce server start-up time if you have configured JSPs to compile at start-up.

To reduce the compilation time for JavaServer Pages (JSPs), you can configure the class path for JSPs separately from the EAServer class path. By default, the JSP compiler class path includes the EAServer process class path plus these class entries and JAR files that are specific to the Web application:

For the fastest JSP compile times, you must configure the compiler class path to eliminate unnecessary entries. To do so, set these properties on the Advanced tab in the Web Application Properties and Web Component Properties dialog boxes:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Understanding HTTP response caching options

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