After setting up an Adaptive Server profile in NT Mail, create a login for Sybmail on Adaptive Server. When creating this user account, make sure that the following conditions are true:
The loginame parameter is “sybmail”.
The fullname parameter has the same value as the Profile Name for Adaptive Server’s mail profile.
Adaptive Server uses this value as its MailUserName.
The password parameter has the same value as the password for the mailbox that is associated with the server’s mail profile.
This value becomes Adaptive Server’s MailPassword.
These values are the defaults for starting up an Adaptive Server mail session with the extended stored procedure xp_startmail, as discussed in “Managing a mail session”.
You can use either of the following methods to create a login for Adaptive Server:
sp_addlogin from isql:
sp_addlogin "sybmail", "wrtyzz2c", @fullname="sqlserver"
The Add Login facility in Sybase Central or Adaptive Server Manager.
Figure 9-1 summarizes the relationships between the values that you supplied to prepare an account for Sybmail.
Figure 9-1: User-defined values relationships in Sybmail