For the Named Pipes protocol, the network address consists of the unique pipe name for the server.
Use the following guidelines to create acceptable pipe names.
Valid pipe names begin with \pipe and follow the same naming restrictions as MS-DOS file names. The default pipe name for Adaptive Server is \pipe\sybase\query.
To avoid conflict, always use unique pipe names of the same “length” (levels) for all Sybase products on your computer. For example, you might select \pipe\sybase\query for Adaptive Server and \pipe\backup\query for Backup Server.
Do not use pipe names such as \pipe\sql and \pipe\sql\query, because they do not ensure uniqueness.
When adding a network entry to access a server on a remote network computer, such as on a client, preface the pipe name for the QUERY service with the following, where machine_name is the name of the computer that runs the server:
WARNING! Server pipes must be local. Do not add \\machine_name if you are configuring a network entry for a server on a local computer. Additionally, do not preface the pipe name with this prefix when entering connection information for the MASTER service. If you include this prefix, you cannot restart Adaptive Server.