For the Windows Sockets protocol, the server address consists of the TCP/IP host name or IP address of the NT computer and a unique socket for the Adaptive Server, separated by a comma.
Keep the following guidelines in mind when creating the address:
The TCP/IP host name is case sensitive. For example, a possible entry for a TCP/IP host named “CENTAUR” is “CENTAUR, 5000”.
Adaptive Server uses the default socket number of 5000 to listen to connections from client workstations. Select a different socket number if another application on your computer already uses socket 5000.
Valid socket numbers for Adaptive Server range from 1025 to 65535, in integers.
To support more than 64511 Windows Sockets (TCP/IP) connections to Adaptive Server, you may need to use the NT Registry to increase the maximum number of sockets connections available on the server.
WARNING! Do not modify a Registry value unless you are an NT administrator and are familiar with the regedt32 utility. See your NT operating system documentation for information on using regedt32.
Modifying an existing TcpNumConnections value
Log in to Windows NT using an account with NT administrator privileges.
Start the regedt32 utility from the Windows NT program group.
Select the Registry window HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE.
Open the Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
If the TcpNumConnections value exists, go to step 6.
If the value does not exist, add and configure it by completing the steps under “To add a TcpNumConnections value.”
Double-click the value.
In the DWORD Editor dialog box, select the Decimal option.
In the Data text box, enter the maximum number of connections to support.
Click OK to return to the Registry key dialog box.
If you have completed your tasks in regedt32:
Select Exit from the Registry menu to quit regedt32.
Restart your computer.
Adding a TcpNumConnections value
Complete the Add Value dialog box as follows:
Value Name – TcpNumConnections
Data Type – select REG_DWORD from the drop-down list.
Click OK.
Complete the DWORD Editor dialog box as follows:
Data – enter the maximum number of TCP connections for the computer.
Radix – select the Decimal option button.
Click OK.
The utility adds the new value to the Registry key.
If you have completed your tasks in regedt32:
Choose Exit from the Registry menu to quit regedt32.
Restart your computer.
When client workstations use multiple TCP/IP network interface cards, the NT system administrator must edit the lmhosts file on the Windows NT server to accept connections from the clients.
To correctly enter the card information:
There must be one entry for each network card.
Each address must be unique.
The entries in the lmhosts file match those in the sql.ini file.
For example, assume that a server named BALCLUTHA has three cards. Without an lmhosts entry and separate entries in sql.ini, the server listens on socket BALCLUTHA,5000 for all three cards. To provide unique addresses, set up lmhosts as follows: NT0 NT1 NT2
In the sql.ini file, add entries for both QUERY and MASTER:
[BALCLUTHA] query=NT0,5000 master=NT0,5000 query=NT1,5000 master=NT1,5000 query=NT2,5000 master=NT2,5000
When an isql connection remains idle for several minutes, the next query may result in this error message:
Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending.
This problem occurs when you use the Windows Sockets protocol, and you have a small value for NT TcpKeepTries. To correct this problem, you must increase the value in NT TcpKeepTries.
WARNING! Do not modify Registry values unless you are an NT administrator and you are familiar with the regedt32 utility. See the NT operating system documentation for information on using regedt32.
Increasing the TcpKeepTries value
Start the regedt32 utility, and display the Parameters values.
Double-click the TcpKeepTries value.
Change the data value to at least 20, and choose OK.
If you have completed your tasks in regedt32:
Choose Exit from the Registry menu to quit.
Reboot your computer.