Check the Replication Agent status

The status of the Replication Agent instance indicates whether it is in Replicating state or in Admin state.

No replication takes place when the Replication Agent instance is in Admin state. For more information, see “Understanding Replication Agent states”.

StepsTo check the current Replication Agent status

  1. Log in to the Replication Agent instance with the administrator login.

  2. Use the following command to check the current status of the Replication Agent:


    This command returns the current state of the Replication Agent instance, as shown in the following example:

    State  Action
    ------ ----------------------------
    ADMIN  Waiting for operator command
    (1 row affected)

See the Sybase Replication Agent Reference Manual for more information about the ra_status command.

When the Replication Agent instance is in one of the following states, take the suggested actions.



The Replication Agent instance is in Replicating (Waiting at end of log) state

Examine the statistics output to check the progress of the replication process. See “Use the ra_statistics command to troubleshoot” for more information.

The Replication Agent instance is Replicating state

NoteWhen the Replication Agent instance is in the Replicating state, all data may not have yet been replicated. You can only be sure that the Replication Agent instance is finished replicating when the state is Replicating (Waiting at end of log).

The instance is operating normally, but it has not reached the end of the transaction log. Wait until Replication Agent instance is in Replicating (Waiting at end of log) state. Then repeat the procedure on page §.

The Replication Agent instance is in Admin state

Start replication and put the Replication Agent instance in Replicating state by executing the Replication Agent resume command. See “Starting replication in the Replication Agent” for more information.

If the Replication Agent instance returns to Admin state after you invoke the resume command, there is at least one unresolved problem that prevents the instance from going to Replicating state. See “Examine the Replication Agent logs” for more information.