Installing EAServer

Installing EAServer takes 10 – 20 minutes, depending on the speed of your computer and features you are installing.

What the installer does The setup program installs software in default drives and directories unless you specify otherwise. If a directory you specify does not exist, the setup program creates it. The setup program:

StepsInstalling EAServer

  1. Exit any programs that are running. If you do not, the Sybase installer may not be able to copy some files to the appropriate directories.

  2. If you have downloaded EAServer, expand the installation software to a temporary location. Otherwise, insert the software CD into your CD drive.

  3. Select Start | Run, and enter:

     path\setup.exe [-is:tempdir temp_directory]

    where path is the location of the installation software. If you have less than 170MB in your temp directory, add the -is:tempdir temp_directory option, replacing temp_directory with the full path to a temporary directory that has at least 170MB of available disk space. For example:

    f:\setup.exe -is:tempdir d:\temp

    The installer starts, and the EAServer 6.1 Install window appears.

  4. Click Next.

    NoteUse Back and Next to step backward and forward through the installation process to modify specifications as necessary.

    Select Cancel to halt the installation process.

  5. Select your country or region from the drop-down list to display the license agreement. You must read and accept the terms of the license agreement for your country before you can install any Sybase products. Click Next.

  6. The installer checks whether any EAServer processes are running on the machine. If prompted, shut down any EAServer applications, including EAServer, and EAServer as an Windows service. Click Next.

  7. Enter the full path to which EAServer is to be installed.

    To modify the default locations of either the Sybase or Shared directory locations, select Show Advanced Locations.

  8. Select the type of installation, then click Next:

    See “Installation types” for a list of features that are installed for each installation type.

  9. If you leave the JDK check boxes blank, the installation program installs the JDKs.

    If you select to use an existing JDK, enter a path (or use the Browse button) to locate an existing JDK that may already be installed on your system. If the installer detects an existing JDK of the appropriate version, it displays as the default location. Existing JDKs must be of the correct version and patch level, as described in “JDK versions”.

    Click Next to continue.

  10. If you are creating a new installation, the installer displays port numbers for the preconfigured EAServer network listeners, as displayed in Table 2-1. You can edit the ports or accept the default settings. Choose port numbers that are not used by other servers running on your machine.

    You can click “Suggest ports” to test whether any of the specified ports are in use. The installer tests each port to see if it is used by a running process or in known EAServer installations on the machine. If a port is in use, the number is incremented by 100 and tried again.

    Click Default to restore the ports to their default values.

    When you click Next, the installer also tests whether ports are in use. After the installation completes, you can modify or remove preconfigured listeners as described in Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide.

    Table 2-1: Default listener settings

    Listener name

    Default port




    For HTTP (Web client connections).



    HTTP with SSL security.



    HTTP with SSL security requiring client certificates to connect.



    For IIOP connections. EAServer Manager, PowerBuilder, and other standalone client applications use this protocol.



    IIOP with SSL security.



    IIOP with SSL security requiring client certificates to connect.



    The host on which you are installing EAServer.



    Java Remote Method Invocations (RMI).

  11. If you are creating a new installation and have chosen to install EAServer as a Windows service, specify the server and service names. Accept the default values unless you plan to create a different server after completing the installation. For new installations, the installer creates one server named EAServer. If you specify another server name, the service will not run unless you create the server after the install completes. Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide describes how to create servers.

    You can also install EAServer as a Windows service after installing EAServer. See the service.bat command in Chapter 14, “Command Line Tools”, in the EAServer System Administration Guide for more information.

  12. The installer displays a summary of the features to be installed and the installation directory. Review these entries and click Next to continue or Back to modify your entries.

  13. The installer begins copying files.

  14. Select the product edition and license type from the corresponding drop-down lists. If you do not know this information, ask your system administrator.

  15. The installer prompts you for an administrative password. Enter and confirm a password for the admin@system user following the guidelines described by the installer. Remember this password. When you log in to the Management Console and connect to EAServer, you will need to provide the user name and password.

  16. A summary screen informs you when the installation is complete. If you do not yet have a license, you must obtain one by selecting the Launch the Sybase Product Download Center (SPDC) Web Site option.

    Select any of these options to perform the corresponding tasks at this time. You can also do any of these tasks later:

  17. Click Finish to exit the installer.

For each of the following products you choose to install, see the corresponding section for additional installation and configuration instructions:

Network install

If you are a system administrator, you may want to allow users to install EAServer from a network drive rather than from the CD. To do this, copy the files from each CD to a separate directory on a network drive and note the location. During installation, the user must specify the directory location for each CD.