Configuring and running the silent installer

The silent installer is a Java program. The installation CD contains a sample batch file to run the install with the correct JRE and CLASSPATH settings. An additional text file specifies the installation type and options. These instructions assume that you will include the EAServer install files and customized installer scripts with the install media for your own software.

Steps Configuring the silent installer

  1. Create a directory for your install image.

  2. Copy the following files from the EAServer installation CD to your install image:

  3. Create configuration and run files as described in “Configuration and run files”. Copy any required additional files from the EAServer CD to your install image, as described in that section.

  4. To support the silent uninstallation process, create the files described in “Silent uninstaller files”.

NoteYou may make a few errors when creating and testing your silent installation. Cleaning up a failed installation requires that you delete the InstallShield file. This file may be required by the installers for other applications. Before testing your install, back up the following file and restore it before installing or upgrading other software:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\

StepsTesting and running the silent installer

  1. Before running a silent installation:

    1. Have enough space in your temporary and product directories. See “System requirements”.

    2. If your %SYSTEMROOT% directory contains an InstallShield file, make a backup copy.

  2. Test the silent installer using the run script that you created at the command line or in your own product’s installation script. Running a silent installation takes 10 – 20 minutes, depending on the speed of your computer.

  3. After each trial run, check for errors, and clean up your machine as described in “Troubleshooting and cleanup of the silent installer”.