This section describes new system tables to support version features. Table 3-12 describes new system monitoring tables.
System table |
Description |
monTables |
Provides a description of all monitoring tables. No configuration options are required. |
monTableParameters |
Provides a description of all the optional parameters for each monitoring table. No configuration options are required. |
monTableColumns |
Describes all the columns for each monitoring table. No configuration options are required. |
monState |
Provides information regarding the overall state of Adaptive Server. |
monEngine |
Provides statistics regarding Adaptive Server engines. Requires the enable monitoring configuration parameter to be enabled. |
monDataCache |
Returns statistics relating to Adaptive Server data caches. Requires the enable monitoring configuration parameter to be enabled. |
monProcedureCache |
Returns statistics relating to Adaptive Server procedure cache. Requires the enable monitoring configuration parameter to be enabled. |
monOpenDatabases |
Provides state and statistical information pertaining to davases that are currently in use. |
monSysWorkerThread |
Returns server-wide statistics related to worker threads. Requires the enable monitoring configuration parameter to be enabled. |
monNetworkIO |
Returns network I/O statistics. Requires the enable monitoring configuration parameter to be enabled. |
monErrorLog |
Returns the most recent error messages from the Adaptive Server error log. |
monLocks |
Returns a list of all locks that are being held, and those that have been requested, by any process, for every object. |
monDeadLock |
Provides information pertaining to the most recent deadlocks that have occurred in Adaptive Server. |
monWaitClassInfo |
Provides a textual description for all of the wait classes. All events have been grouped into wait classes that classify the type of event that a process is waiting for. |
monWaitEventInfo |
Provides a textual description for every possible situation where a process is forced to wait within Adaptive Server. |
monCachedObject |
Returns statistics for all objects and indexes with pages currently in a data cache. |
monCachePool |
Provides statistics for all pools allocated for all caches. |
monOpenObjectActivity |
Provides statistics for all open objects. |
monIOQueue |
Provides device I/O statistics broken down into data and log I/O for normal and temporary databases on each device. |
monDeviceIO |
Returns statistical information relating to devices. |
monSysWaits |
Provides a server-wide view of where processes are waiting for an event. |
monProcess |
Provides detailed statistics about processes that are currently executing or waiting. |
monProcessLookup |
Provides information enabling processes to be tracked to an application, user, client machine, and so on. |
monProcessActivity |
Provides detailed statistics about process activity. |
monProcessNetIO |
Provides the network I/O activity for each process. |
monProcessObject |
Provides statistical information regarding objects that have been accessed by processes. |
monProcessWaits |
Provides a server-wide view of where processes are waiting for an event. |
monProcessStatement |
Provides information for currently executing statements. |
monProcessSQLText |
Provides the SQL text that is currently being executed. |
monSysPlanText |
Provides the most recent generated text plan. |
monSysStatment |
Provides statistics pertaining to the most recently executed statements. |
monCachedProcedures |
Provides statistics for all procedures currently stored in the procedure cache. |
monSysSQLText |
Provides the most recent SQL text that has been executed, or is currently being executed. |
monProcessProcedures |
Returns a list of procedures that are being executed by processes. |
Table 3-13 describes changes to system tables to support Adaptive Server
System table |
Changes |
sysattributes |
Displays information about the representation of temporary database groups and bindings. |
sysdatabases |
Adds a new bit which indicates the temporary status of a database by the value of 0x00000100 (256 decimal) in the status3 field. |