This section describes the changes made to databases and system tables to support version 12.0 features.
Table 6-10 lists the new databases.
Database |
Function |
sybdiagdb |
Holds diagnostic configuration data for debugging purposes. This database is for Sybase Technical Support personnel only and should not be used by customers. |
Table 6-11 lists the new system tables.
Table |
Function |
syscolumns |
Adds the xtype and xdbid columns. These columns are used only for Adaptive Servers enabled for Java. |
syscoordinations |
(sybsystemdb database only.) Contains information about remote Adaptive Servers participating in distributed transactions (remote participants) and their coordination states. |
sysdevices |
status column utilizes a new control bit 0x4000 (16384 Decimal) to control the dsync setting for a database device file. |
sysjars |
Contains one row for each Java archive file retained in the database. This table is used only for Adaptive Servers enabled for Java. |
syslocks |
Adds the loid column. |
sysprocesses |
Adds the block_xloid column. The blocked column is renamed to block_xloid. |
sysqueryplans |
Stores query text and abstract plans for a query. |
syssessions |
Contains one row for each client that connects to Adaptive Server with the failover property (for example, isql -Q). This table is used only for Adaptive Servers that are configured for Sybase’s Failover in a high availability system. |
systransactions |
(master database only.) Contains information about Adaptive Server transactions. |
sysxtypes |
Contains one row for each extended, Java-SQL datatype. This table is used only for Adaptive Servers enabled for Java. |
Table 6-12 lists the system tables that have been changed.
Table |
Change |
sysattributes |
Stores information for the configuration parameters that set or change the password expiration interval, maximum failed login attempts, and the minimum password length. |
sysconfigures |
Stores the server-wide values set with the configuration parameters minimum password length and maximum failed logins for logins and roles. |
syslogins |
The new column, logincount, indicates the number of failed logins. A successful login automatically resets the number of failed logins to 0. The datatype of this column is int. |
syservroles |
The following columns have been added:
sysusers |
Adaptive Server 12.0 no longer has the unique attribute of clustered index on sysusers.suid. |
For more information about system tables, see the Adaptive Server Reference Manual.