The Adaptive Server plug-in for Sybase Central has been enhanced for 12.5.1. The Adaptive Server plug-in, along with Sybase IQ and Adaptive Server Anywhere, now runs on Sybase Central version 4.1. This version of Sybase Central provides better performance, requires less memory, and improves the user interface.
The 12.5.1 Adaptive Server plug-in:
Lets you view and export data from a table or a view using the new “Data” panel
Lets you view SQL code of compiled objects—stored procedures, views, rules, and so on—using the new “Code” panel
Lets you log SQL commands in a window or file so that a record exists of actions by the plug-in
Provides robust interfaces file support
Provides an enhanced table editor to support column properties and constraint bindings
Lets you manage multiple tempdbs
Provides Quiesce and Mount/Unmount Database wizards
Provides an enhanced Proxy Table wizard for managing proxy tables on data sources other than Adaptive Server
Lets you manage the Job Scheduler
Lets you shut down Adaptive Server
Lets you resize disks
Lets you use the Monitor Server graphics interface on Windows platforms
The Adaptive Server plug-in for 12.5.1 is backward compatible to Adaptive Server version 12.0. Sybase recommends that users managing pre-12.5.1 servers upgrade Sybase Central to version 4.1 and the Adaptive Server plug-in to 12.5.1.