This version of Adaptive Server adds functionality to sp_listener that allows you to manage network listeners. sp_listener allows you to:
Start additional listeners (the maximum number of listeners is 32)
Stop listeners
Suspend listeners
Resume suspended listeners
The syntax for sp_listener is:
sp_listener “command”, “server_name”, engine | remaining
sp_listener “command”, “[protocol:]machine:port”, engine | remaining
command is start, stop, suspend, resume, or status.
server_name is the name of Adaptive Server.
engine specifies the number of the engine affected by this command (this parameter is ignored by Windows NT). engine can be a single-engine number in quotes ("2"), a list ("3,5,6"), a range ("2-5"), or mix ("2,3-5,7”).
remaining specifies that the command is to take effect on all engines on which it can be meaningfully applied (that is, where the listener is in a state in which the command can take effect).
protocol is the protocol used (tcp, tli, ssltcp, ssltli, winsock, sslnlwnsck, or sslwinsock).
machine:port is the machine name and port number to which the listener listens (as specified in the interfaces file).
The number of listener ports is determined by the dynamic configuration parameter number of network listeners. The default value of this parameter is 1. The semantics for sp_listener is atomic: if a command cannot be completed successfully, it is aborted.
For more information, see the Performance and Tuning Guide.