This section describes the new system procedures added and changes made to existing system procedures.
Table 6-7 summarizes the new system procedures.
System procedure |
Function |
sp_deviceattr |
Changes the dsync setting of an existing database device file. |
sp_transactions |
Reports detailed information about active transactions. |
sp_companion |
Performs cluster operations such as configuring Adaptive Server as a secondary companion in a high availability system and moving a companion server from one failover mode to another. sp_companion is run from the secondary companion. |
sp_ha_admin |
Performs administrative tasks that address second point of failures on Adaptive Servers configured with Sybase’s Failover in a high availability system. |
sp_helpjava |
Displays information about Java classes and JARs installed in the database. |
Table 6-8 summarizes the changes made to existing system procedures.
Procedure |
Change |
sp_addlogin |
Specifies the password expiration interval, the minimum password length, and the maximum number of failed logins allowed for a specified login at creation. |
sp_displaylogin |
Displays the login security related parameters configured for a login. The syntax has not changed; however, the output shows the following additional information:
sp_displayroles |
Displays the login security-related parameters configured for a role. The output has changed as described for sp_displaylogin. |
sp_helpdevice |
Output displays the new dsync setting in the “description” column. |
sp_lock |
Output displays the new lock owner ID (loid) field. |
sp_modifylogin |
Use to change password expiration interval, the minimum password length, and the maximum number of failed logins allowed for a specified existing login. |
sp_monitorconfig |
Displays additional usage statistics for transaction descriptors and DTX participants. |
sp_who |
Output displays the new block_xloid field, which indicates the lock owner ID of the blocking transaction. The older blocked field in the output is renamed to blk_spid. |