New and changed configuration parameters

This section describes the new and changed configuration parameters in version 12.5.

Table 5-2 summarizes the new configuration parameters.

Table 5-2: New configuration parameters



allocate max shared memory

Determines whether Adaptive Server allocates all the memory specified by max memory at start-up or only the amount of memory the configuration parameter requires.

cis bulk insert array size

Controls the size of the array when performing a bulk transfer of data from one Adaptive Server to another. During the transfer, CIS buffers rows internally, and asks the Open Client bulk library to transfer them as a block.

dynamic allocation on demand

Determines when memory is allocated for changes to dynamic memory configuration parameters.

enable enterprise java beans

Enables or disables the EJB Server.

enable file access

Enables or disables access through proxy tables to the External File System. Requires a license for ASE_XFS.

enable full-text search

Enables or disables Enhances Full-Text Search services. Requires a license for ASE_EFTS.

enable row level access control

Enables or disables row-level access control.

enable ssl

Enables or disables Secure Sockets Layer session-based security.

enable surrogate processing

Enables or disables the processing and maintains the integrity of surrogate pairs in Unicode data.

enable unicode normalization

Enables or disables Unilib character normalization.

heap memory per user

Specifies the heap memory per user for Adaptive Server.

max memory

Specifies the maximum amount of total logical memory that you can configure Adaptive Server to allocate.

number of engines at startup

Specifies the number of engines that are brought online at start-up. This replaces the minimum online engines parameter.

number of java sockets

Specifies the maximum amount of total physical memory that you can configure Adaptive Server to allocate.

procedure cache size

Specifies the size of the procedure cache in 2K pages.

total logical memory

Specifies the amount of memory that Adaptive Server is configured to use.

total physical memory

Displays the amount of memory that is being used by Adaptive Server at a given moment in time.

Table 5-3 summarizes changes to existing configuration parameters.

Table 5-3: Changed configuration parameters



procedure cache percent

Removed from Adaptive Server version 12.5. You now determine the size of the procedure cache with procedure cache size.

total memory

Displays the total logical memory for the current configuration of Adaptive Server.

size of process object heap

Now a server-wide setting and not assigned to a specific task.

max cis remote connections

Removed from Adaptive Server version 12.5. The maximum number is now determined by the maximum number of file descriptors available to a single process for a given operating system.

Table 5-4 lists the configuration parameters that were static, but are now dynamic.

Table 5-4: Configuration parameters changed from static to dynamic

Configuration parameter

Configuration parameter

addition network memory

number of pre-allocated extents

audit queue size

number of user connections

cpu grace time

number of worker processes

deadlock pipe max messages

open index hash spinlock ratio

default database size

open index spinlock ratio

default fill factor percent

open object spinlock ratio

disk i/o structures

partition groups

errorlog pipe max messages

partition spinlock ratio

max cis remore connections

permission cache entries

memory per worker process

plan text pipe max messages

number of alarms

print recovery information

number of aux scan descriptors

process wait events

number of devices

size of global fixed heap

number of dtx participants

size of process object heap

number of java sockets

size of shared class heap

number of large i/o buffers

size of unilib cache

number of locks

sql text pipe max messages

number of mailboxes

statement pipe max messages

number of messages

tape retention in days

number of open databases

time slice

number of open indexes

user log cache spinlock ratio

number of open objects