Displays information about a login account. Also displays information about the hierarchy tree above or below the login account when you so specify.
sp_displaylogin [loginame [, expand_up | expand_down]]
is the user login account about which you want information if it is other than your own. You must be a System Security Officer or System Administrator to get information about someone else’s login account.
specifies that Adaptive Server display all roles in the role hierarchy that contain the loginame role.
specifies that Adaptive Server display all roles in the role hierarchy that are contained by the loginame role.
Displays information about your server login account:
Suid: 1 Loginame: sa Fullname: Default Database: master Default Language: Auto Login Script: Configured Authorization: sa_role (default ON) sso_role (default ON) oper_role (default ON) Locked: NO Date of Last Password Change: Nov 16 1994 10:08AM
Displays information about the login account “susanne”. The information displayed varies, depending on the role of the user executing sp_displaylogin:
sp_displaylogin susanne
Suid: 12 Loginame: susanne Fullname: Default Database: pubs2 Default Language: Auto Login Script: Configured Authorization: supervisor (default OFF) Locked: NO Date of Last Password Change: May 12 1997 11:09AM
Displays information about all roles containing the role of the login account “pillai”. The information displayed varies, depending on the role of the user executing sp_displaylogin:
sp_displaylogin pillai, expand_up
Displays the login security-related parameters configured for a login:
sp_displaylogin joe
Suid: 294 Loginame: joe Fullname: Joseph Resu Default Database: master Default Language: Auto Login Script: Configured Authorization: intern_role (default OFF) Locked: NO Date of Last Password Change: Nov 24 1998 3:46PM Password expiration interval : 5 Password expired : NO Minimum password length:4 Maximum failed logins : 10 Current failed logins : 3
sp_displaylogin displays configured roles, so even if you have made a role inactive with the set command, it is displayed.
If there are any login triggers associated with
the login in question, they are listed after the Auto
Login Script
line. For more information, see “Row-level
access control” in Chapter 11, “Managing User
Permissions,” of the System Administration Guide.
When you use sp_displaylogin to get information about your own account, you do not need to use the loginame parameter. sp_displaylogin displays your server user ID, login name, full name, any roles that have been granted to you, date of last password change, default database, default language, and whether your account is locked.
If you are a System Security Officer or System Administrator, you can use the loginame parameter to access information about any account.
Only a System Administrator or a System Security Officer can execute sp_displaylogin with the loginame and expand parameters to get information about other users’ login accounts. Any user can execute sp_displaylogin to get information about his or her own login account.
Stored procedures sp_activeroles, sp_displayroles, sp_helprotect, sp_modifylogin