Suspends and resumes updates to a specified list of databases.
quiesce database < tag_name > hold < dbname list > [for external dump] [to <manifest_file> [with override]]
quiesce database tag_name release
is a user-defined name that designates the list of databases to hold or release. The tag_name must conform to the rules for identifiers.
is a database name.
specifies that while updates to the databases in the list are suspended, you will physically copy all affected database devices, using some facility external to Adaptive Server. The copy operation is to serve as a replacement for the combination of dump database and load database.
the binary file which describes the databases that are present on a set of database devices. It can be created only if the set of databases that occupy those devices are isolated, self-contained on those devices.
Since the manifest file is a binary file, operations that can do character translations of the file contents (such as ftp) will corrupt the file unless done in binary mode
Suspends update activity on salesdb and ordersdb:
quiesce database report_dbs hold salesdb, ordersdb
Resumes update activity on the databases labeled report_dbs:
quiesce database report_dbs release
Suspends update activity to the pubs2 database and signifies your intent to make an external copy of this database:
quiesce database pubs_tag hold pubs2 for external dump
Used to create a manifest file for a database that is going to be copied to another Adaptive Server:
quiesce database pubs_tag hold pubs2 for external dump to "/work2/sybase1/mpubs_file", with override
quiesce database used with the hold keyword suspends all updates to the specified database. Transactions cannot update data in suspended databases, and background tasks such as the checkpoint process and housekeeper process skip all databases that are in the suspended state.
quiesce database used with the release keyword allows updates to resume on databases that were previously suspended.
quiesce database used with the for external dump clause signifies that you intend to make an external copy of the database. It serves to replace a combination of dump and load database.
The quiesce database hold and release commands need not be executed from the same user session.
If the databases specified in the quiesce database hold command contain distributed or multidatabase transactions that are in the prepared state, Adaptive Server waits during a five-second timeout period for those transactions to complete. If the transactions do not complete during the timeout period, quiesce database hold fails.
If Adaptive Server is executing a dump database or dump transaction command on a database specified in quiesce database hold, the database is suspended only after the dump command completes.
If you execute a dump database or dump transaction command on a database while updates to the database are suspended, Adaptive Server blocks those commands until the database is released with quiesce database release.
You can specify a maximum of eight databases in a single quiesce database hold command. If you must suspend updates to additional databases, execute additional quiesce database hold commands.
To duplicate or copy databases, use quiesce database with the extension for creating the manifest file. The quiesce database effects the quiesce hold by blocking writes in the database, and then creates the manifest file. The command then returns control of the database to the user. You can now use a utility to copy the database to another Adaptive Server. These rules for quiesce database hold must be followed for the copy operation:
The copy operation cannot begin until the quiesce database hold process has completed.
Every device for every database in the quiesce database command must be copied.
The copy process must complete before you invoke the quiesce database release.
quiesce database permission defaults to System Administrators.
Commands dump database, dump transaction, mount, unmount