Using the DTM XA Interface with TUXEDO

The following sections explain the application-specific steps you need to take to integrate the XA Interface with TUXEDO.

The application-specific part of the integration involves:

It is assumed that TUXEDO is installed in the $TUXDIR directory and that any resource managers are also installed on the system.

NoteIn the following procedures, replace the environment variables with the actual TUXEDO paths as follows: replace $TUXDIR with your actual root directory path, and replace $SYBASE with the path to the DTM XA Interface installation directory.

Table 3-7 provides the Sybase-specific information you need to perform the TUXEDO integration. The TUXEDO Installation Guide discusses this information in “Integrating a Resource Manager With System/T”.

Table 3-7: Information needed to integrate the TUXEDO System

Type of Information

Sybase Specific


RM name


The name of the resource manager in the name element of the xa_switch_t structure.

XA structure name


The name of the xa_switch_t structure that contains the resource manager identifier, the flags for the resource manager’s capabilities, and the function pointers of the XA functions.

Library name

The library files ct_r, cs_r, comn_r, tcl_r, and intl_r which are located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/lib

The list of files needed to support the DTM XA Interface, and a full path name.

Open string contents

See “ Open string parameters for DTM XA Interface” in this document for more information..

The format of the information string passed to the functions.

NoteThe DTM XA Interface has been fully tested with the reentrant libraries, ct_r, cs_r, comn_r, tcl_r, and intl_r. If you are using the non-reentrant libraries and experience problems, use the reentrant versions of the libraries instead.

See also “XA configuration file for DTM XA Interface” for information on creating an XA configuration file.