Adaptive Server features licensed through SySAM

Table 11-1 lists all of the optional features available for Adaptive Server. Some of these feature options have been replaced by feature packages and are no longer available separately. They are listed here for completeness as those upgrading from earlier versions may still have earlier option license.

The Feature name column lists the value of the Feature name field on the Sybase Software Asset Management (SySAM) certificate.

NoteNot all features are available on every platform.

Table 11-1: Licensed Adaptive Server features


Feature name


Adaptive Server Enterprise Edition


The basic Adaptive Server product, without any options

Adaptive Server Small Business Edition


The Small Business Edition of Adaptive Server

Adaptive Server Developer’s Edition


The Developer’s Edition of Adaptive Server.

High availability


High availability supports server failover and recovery.

Distributed transaction management


Distributed transaction management support for XA and Microsoft DTC protocols.

Java in Adaptive Server


Java and Java-based XML support in Adaptive Server.

No longer available; see XML Management package below.

Advanced security mechanisms


Network-based authentication and encryption using DCE and CyberSafe.

No longer available; see Secruity and Directory Services package below.

Enterprise JavaBean Server


A transaction server provides the framework for creating, deploying, and managing middle-tier business logic in the form of EJBs in a multi-tier environment.

No longer available; see XML Management package below.

Enhanced Full-Text Search


Enhanced Full-Text search capacity for Adaptive Server.

External file support


Allows access to data external to the database in file systems.

No longer available; see Content Management package below.

LDAP directory services


Lightweight Directory services.

No longer available; see Security and Directory Services package below.

Enterprise performance monitoring


A graphical performance monitoring and diagnostic tool for Adaptive Server.

Web services


Allows customers to access web services in Adaptive Server utilizing the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) protocols.

XML support


XML is a markup language and a subset of SGML (Standardized General Markup Language). XML is more complete and disciplined, and it allows you to define your own application-oriented markup tags. These properties make XML particularly suitable for data interchange.

In addition to individual option features there are several packages, which combine optional features. The only difference between options and packages is that a package requires that the package definition be included in the license file. The package definition should be included in the license.dat file automatically by the installation process The package definitions are also contained in a file named sybpkg.dat. This file is in the same directory as the license.dat file.

Table 11-2: Licensed Adaptive Server packages


Feature name


Security and Directory Services package


Enables the DCE or Kerberos library interfaces, SSL-based communication, row-level storage security, and LDAP services.

Includes ASE_ASM and ASE_DIRS features.

XML Management package


Enables Java features, EJB support, and native XML support in Adaptive Server.

Includes ASE_JAVA, ASE_EJB, and ASE_XML features.

Content Management package


Allows use of file system data with Adaptive Server.

Includes ASE_XFS feature.

eBusiness package


A bundled package that contains Security and Directory Services package, XML Management package, and Content Management package.