Setting the replication system version

After you upgrade and install Replication Servers and user databases in your replication system to a new version level, you can set the system version to match the earliest software version.

The system version is the lowest version of Replication Server allowed in the system. For example, if your replication system version is 1151, you cannot use or install a Replication Server that is earlier than version 11.5.1.

When all Replication Servers in the replication system are at version 15.0.1 or later, follow these steps to set the system version to 15.0:

  1. Log in to the ID Server.

  2. Execute:

    sysadmin system_version, 1500


Note these restrictions for the system version:

System version and software version

Table 3-1 illustrates the relationship between the software version number and the system version number. Note especially the ability to use the full capabilities of version 15.0.1 when the system version is at 1102.

Table 3-1: Relationship between software version and system version

Replication Server software version

System version 1102 and higher


Full capability when site version is set to 1500


Full capability when site version is set to 1260


Full capability when site version is set to 1250


Full capability when site version is set to 1210


Full capability when site version is set to 1200


Full capability when site version is set to 1150


Full capability

New features of version 15.0.1 are available only when the system version is at least 1102 and the site version is set to 1500.

If a software version is supported with full capability at a given system version, you can install new Replication Servers of that software version. See “Setting the Replication Server site version” for more information.

For more information about new features, see What’s New in Replication Server 15.0.1 and the release bulletin for Replication Server version 15.0.1.

Upgrading from version 11.0.2 or 11.0.3

As Table 3-1 shows, if you are upgrading from Replication Server version 11.0.2 or 11.0.3, and the system version is already set to 1102 or 1103, you do not need to set the system version to begin using new features in 15.0.1.

You must set the site version for Replication Servers that require it, and to upgrade routes. Information needed for the new features cannot be propagated to other sites until the corresponding routes are upgraded. See “Setting the Replication Server site version” and “Upgrading routes” for details.