Before you can delete a replicate article from a subscription, you must first suspend the subscription. After the replicate article is deleted, you can resume the subscription.
See “Suspending and resuming subscriptions” for more information.
If the replicate table was created by ASE Replicator when the replicate article was created, ASE Replicator deletes the replicate table in the replicate database when you delete the replicate article.
To delete a replicate article
Use sp_dropreplicateart with the following syntax to specify the subscription name, and the name of the replicate article:
sp_dropreplicateart sub_name, rep_art
where sub_name is the name of the subscription, and rep_art is the name of the replicate article.
The sp_dropreplicateart procedure gives you the option of deleting all replicate articles in a subscription.
To delete all replicate articles in a subscription
Use sp_dropreplicateart with the following syntax to specify only the subscription name:
sp_dropreplicateart sub_name
where sub_name is the name of the subscription you want to delete all replicate articles from.