Suspending and resuming subscriptions

You can suspend and resume subscriptions for maintenance or troubleshooting. For example, you must suspend a subscription before you can delete a replicate article in that subscription.

Suspending a subscription stops queued transactions in the transaction log table from being sent to the replicate tables for that subscription.

StepsTo suspend a subscription

  1. Use sp_suspendsub with the following syntax:

    sp_suspendsub sub_name

    where sub_name is the name of the subscription.

NoteAfter a subscription is suspended, you must resume the subscription to continue replication.

You can resume all subscriptions or a specified subscription.

StepsTo resume a specified subscription

  1. Use sp_resumesub with the following syntax to specify the subscription:

    sp_resumesub sub_name

    where sub_name is the name of the subscription.

StepsTo resume all suspended subscriptions

  1. Use sp_resumesub without specifying a subscription:
