Adds, changes, or drops columns; adds, changes, or drops constraints; partitions or unpartitions an existing table; changes the locking scheme for an existing table; specifies ascending or descending index order when alter table is used to create referential integrity constraints that are based on indexes; specifies the ratio of filled pages to empty pages, to reduce storage fragmentation.
alter table [database.[owner].]table_name {add column_name datatype [default {constant_expression | user | null}] {identity | null | not null} | [[constraint constraint_name] {{unique | primary key} [clustered | nonclustered] [asc | desc] [with { { fillfactor = pct | max_rows_per_page = num_rows } , reservepagegap = num_pages }] [on segment_name] | references [[database.]owner.]ref_table [(ref_column)] | check (search_condition) ] ... } [, next_column]... | add { [constraint constraint_name] { {unique | primary key} [clustered | nonclustered] (column_name [asc | desc] [, column_name [asc | desc]...]) [with { { fillfactor = pct | max_rows_per_page = num_rows} , reservepagegap = num_pages}] [on segment_name] | foreign key (column_name [{, column_name}...]) references [[database.]owner.]ref_table [(ref_column [{, ref_column}...])] | check (search_condition)} | drop {[column_name [, column_name]] | [constraint constraint_name]} | modify column_name {[data_type] [null] | [not null]] [, column_name] | replace column_name default {constant_expression | user | null} | partition number_of_partitions | unpartition | lock {allpages | datarows | datapages } } | with exp_row_size = num_bytes
Component Integration Services processes alter table when the table on which it operates has been created as a proxy table. Component Integration Services forwards the request (or part of it) to the server that owns the actual object.
When Component Integration Services forwards alter table to a remote server, it is assumed that the column names on the proxy table and on the remote server are the same.
The only portions of the alter table command that are forwarded to a remote server are add, modify, drop column, partition, and unpartition. The rest of the syntax is processed internally, and not forwarded to a remote server. The only exception to this is the lock clause, and then only for ASEnterprise-class servers.
Component Integration Services forwards the following syntax to a server configured as class ASEnterprise:
alter table [database.[owner].]table_name {add column_name datatype [{identity | null}] {[, next_column]}...} | [drop column_name [, column_name]} | modify column_name [data_type] [NULL] | [not null]] [, column_name]}
When a user adds a column with the alter table command, Component Integration Services passes the datatype of each column to the remote server without type name conversions.
For ASEnterprise class servers only, the lock clause is also forwarded, if contained in the original query, if the version of Adaptive Server is 11.9.2 or later.
Handling of alter table by servers in this class is the same as for ASEnterprise servers.
Handling of alter tableby servers in this class is the same as for ASEnterprise servers.
text and image datatypes are not supported by server class ASIQ. If text and image datatypes are used, Component Integration Services raises Error 11205:
Datatype <typename> is unsupported for server <servername>.
Component Integration Services forwards the following syntax to a remote server configured as class direct_connect:
alter table [database.[owner].]table_name add column_name datatype [{identity | null}] {[, next_column]}...
Although Component Integration Services requests a capabilities response from a server with class direct_connect, support for alter table is not optional. Component Integration Services forwards alter table to the remote server regardless of the capabilities response.
The behavior of the server with class direct_connect is database dependent. The Transact-SQL syntax is forwarded, and errors may or may not be raised, depending on the ability of the remote database to handle this syntax.
If the syntax capability of the remote server indicates Sybase Transact-SQL, Adaptive Server datatypes are sent to the remote server. If the syntax capability indicates DB2 SQL, DB2 datatypes are sent. The mapping for these datatypes is shown in Table 3-10:
Adaptive Server datatype |
DirectConnect default datatype |
DirectConnect DB2 syntax mode datatype |
binary(n) |
binary(n) |
char(n) for bit data |
bit |
bit |
char(1) |
char |
char |
char |
datetime |
datetime |
timestamp |
decimal(p, s) |
decimal(p, s) |
decimal(p, s) |
float |
float |
float |
image |
image |
varchar(n)for bit data; the value of n is determined by the global variable @@textsize |
int |
int |
int |
money |
money |
float |
numeric(p, s) |
numeric(p, s) |
decimal(p, s) |
nchar(n) |
nchar(n) |
graphic(n) |
nvarchar(n) |
nvarchar(n) |
vargraphic(n) |
real |
real |
real |
smalldatetime |
smalldatetime |
timestamp |
smallint |
smallint |
smallint |
smallmoney |
smallmoney |
float |
timestamp |
timestamp |
varbinary(8) |
tinyint |
tinyint |
smallint |
text |
text |
varchar(n); the value of n is determined by the global variable @@textsize |
unichar |
unichar |
varchar(n) for bit data |
univarchar |
univarchar |
varchar(n) for bit data |
varbinary(n) |
varbinary(n) |
varchar(n) for bit data |
varchar(n) |
varchar(n) |
varchar(n) |
Component Integration Services forwards the following syntax to a remote server configured as class db2:
alter table [database.[owner].]table_name add column_name datatype [null] {[, next_column]}...
text and image datatypes are not supported by server class db2. If text and image datatypes are used, Component Integration Services raises error 11205:
Datatype <typename> is unsupported for server <servername>
The datatype specification contains db2 datatypes that are mapped from Adaptive Server datatypes. The datatype conversions are shown in Table 3-11:
Adaptive Server datatype |
DB2 datatype |
binary(n) |
char(n) for bit data, where n <= 254 |
bit |
char(1) |
char(n) |
char(n), where n <= 254 |
datetime |
timestamp |
decimal(p, s) |
decimal(p, s) |
float |
float |
image |
Not supported |
int |
int |
money |
float |
nchar |
char(n) |
nvarchar |
varchar(n) |
numeric(p, s) |
decimal(p, s) |
real |
real |
smalldatetime |
timestamp |
smallint |
smallint |
smallmoney |
float |
tinyint |
smallint |
text |
Not supported |
unichar |
varchar(n) for bit data |
univarchar |
varchar(n) for bit data |
varbinary(n) |
varchar(n) for bit data, where n <=254 |
varchar(n) |
varchar(n), where n <= 254 |
alter table in the Reference Manual