System functions with function-string-class scope

Table 2-1 lists the system functions with function-string-class scope. Replication Server provides default generated function strings for each system-provided class when you install the replication system.

Some functions are required for every Replication Server application, while other functions only apply in particular cases, such as warm standby applications, parallel DSI threads, or coordinated dumps.

If you use a function-string class other than the default (rs_sqlserver_function_class), and you are not using function-string inheritance, you must create a function-string for each system function you use that has function-string class scope.

Customize function strings for system functions with class scope at the Replication Server that is the primary site for the function-string class. See “Changing the primary site for a function-string class” for more information about assigning or changing the primary Replication Server for a function-string class.

Table 2-1: System functions with function-string-class scope

Function name



Specify the SQL statements required in addition to the rs_begin statements to mark the beginning of a batch of commands.


Specify the SQL statements required to mark the end of a batch of commands. This function string is used with rs_batch_start.


Begin a transaction.


Check if a table is marked for replication.


Commit a transaction.


Initiate a coordinated database dump.


Initiate a coordinated transaction dump.


Return the character set used by a data server.

Sample function strings for replication into DB2 databases via Net-Gateway are installed in the Sybase release directory in install/rs_db2_setup.sample (UNIX systems) and install\rs_2_db2.txt (Windows 2000, 2003 systems).


Retrieve rows from the rs_lastcommit system table.


Return the sort order used by a data server.

Sample function strings for replication into DB2 databases via Net-Gateway are installed in the Sybase release directory in install/rs_db2_setup.sample (UNIX systems) and install\rs_2_db2.txt (Windows 2000 and 2003 systems).


Return the current sequence number for the specified entry in the rs_threads system table. This function is executed only when you are using parallel DSI.


Return the current sequence number for the specified entry in the rs_threads system table, using the noholdlock option. This thread is used when dsi_isolation_level is 3.


Set the sequence of each entry in the rs_threads system table to 0. This function is executed only when you are using parallel DSI.


Help coordinate subscription materialization. The function passes its first parameter to Replication Server as an independent command.


Replicate Java columns as serialized data.


Set replication off in Adaptive Server for a standby database connection.


Set replication on in Adaptive Server for a standby database connection.


Roll back a transaction.


Turn on set ciphertext on, which enables replication of encrypted columns for rs_default_function_class and rs_sqlserver_function_class. For all other classes, this function is set to null.


Passes the isolation level for transaction to replicate data server.


Is applied at the replicate database DSI when a connection is established. It issues the command set dml_on_computed “on” after the use database statement


Assume the permissions, login name, and server user ID of the user.


Determines whether or not the DSI executor thread is holding a lock that blocks a replicate database process.


Set triggers off in Adaptive Server for a standby database connection.


Reset the secondary truncation point in warm standby databases. This function is executed only when you create a warm standby database or when you switch to a standby database.


Set the secondary truncation point in warm standby databases. This function is executed only when you create a warm standby database or when you switch to a standby database.


Update the sequence number for the specified entry in the rs_threads table. This function is executed only when you are using parallel DSI.


Change the database context.