Replication Server configuration parameters: sts_cache_size and sts_full_cache_table_name
You can fully cache certain system tables so that simple select statements on those tables do not require access to the RSSD. By default, rs_repobjs and rs_users are fully cached. Sybase recommends that you cache rs_objects, rs_columns, and rs_functions. Depending on the number of replication definitions and subscriptions used, fully caching these tables may significantly reduce RSSD access requirements. However, if the number of unique rows in rs_objects is approximately equal to the value for sts_cachesize, these tables may already be fully cached
Table 4-5 lists those tables that can be fully cached.
Tables |
rs_classes |
rs_dbsubsets |
rs_version |
rs_datatype |
rs_databases |
rs_columns |
rs_config |
rs_routes |
rs_objects |
rs_diskaffinity |
rs_functions |
rs_users |
rs_sites |
rs_queues |
rs_repdbs |
rs_dbreps |
rs_repobjs |
rs_systext |
rs_publications |