Changing column status for text, unitext, image, or rawobject columns

When you mark a table with text, unitext, image, or rawobject columns for replication, sp_setreptable sets the replication status of text, unitext, image, or rawobject columns to always_replicate.

The replication status is the same for all replication definitions of a primary table. If you change the replication status for one replication definition with alter replication definition, you change the replication status for all replication definitions on the same primary table.

If you do not want to replicate some of the text, unitext, image, or rawobject columns in a marked table (or you marked the table using sp_setreplicate, which sets the replication status of text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns to do_not_replicate), use sp_setrepcol to adjust the replication status. You can set the replication status for one or all columns to always_replicate, do_not_replicate, or replicate_if_changed. Table 9-2 describes each status.

Table 9-2: text, unitext, image, or rawobject column replication status

Status clause



Adaptive Server logs replication information for the text, unitext, image, or rawobject column whenever any column in the row changes.


Adaptive Server logs replication information for the text, unitext, image, or rawobject column only when the column data changes.


Adaptive Server does not log replication information for the text, unitext, image, or rawobject column.

To use sp_setrepcol, you must be the Database Owner or System Administrator for the data server.

NoteIf you have marked the database for replication to a standby database using sp_reptostandby and marked database tables for replication to a replicate database using sp_setreptable, Replication Server copies text, image, and rawobject columns to standby and replicate databases as always_replicate. If you want to copy text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns as replicate_if_changed, use sp_setrepcol to adjust the replication status. See “Replicating text, unitext, image, and rawobject data” on page 69 for more information about replicating text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns in a warm standby application.

See sp_setrepcol in Chapter 5, “Adaptive Server Commands and System Procedures” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for complete syntax and usage guidelines.