Displays information about Replication Server partitions.
rs_helppartition [partition_name]
A string of characters that corresponds to a partition name. The string must match an entire partition name or the first part of a name.
Displays summary information about all available database partitions for the Replication Server.
Displaying all partitions known to 'TOKYO_RS'. Logical Name Size (MB) Segments Allocated (MB) ------------------------------ ----------- ----------------------- partition_1 20 3
Displays detailed information about the partition named partition_1.
rs_helppartition partition_1
Information for stable device: 'partition_1' on 'TOKYO_RS'. This device is active. Physical Name Partition ID -------------------------------------------------- ------------ /remote/tyrell2/app/dev/tokyo_rs_p1.dat 101 Partition Size (MB) Segments Allocated (MB) -------------------- ------------------------- 20 5 Inbound Database Queue(s) on this partition: Connection Name Number of Segments --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ LDS.pubs2 1 TOKYO_DS.TOKYO_RSSD 1 Outbound Database Queue(s) on this partition: Connection Name Number of Segments --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ LDS.pubs2 1 TOKYO_DS.TOKYO_RSSD 1 Outbound Replication Server Queue(s) on this partition: Connection Name Number of Segments --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ SYDNEY_RS 1
If you do not specify any parameters, rs_helppartition lists summary information about all of the Replication Server’s partitions.
If you supply a partition_name string, rs_helppartition displays information about any partition whose name matches partition_name.
If the partition_name string exactly matches a partition name, detailed information about the partition displays, including logical and physical name, total size, number of 1MB segments allocated from each partition, and queues on the partition.
If the partition_name string does not exactly match a partition name, summary information displays for any partitions whose names match partition_name or for all known partitions.