Displays information about functions available for a Replication Server or for a particular replication definition.
rs_helpfunc [replication_definition [, function_name]]
The replication definition for which you want function information.
A string of characters that corresponds to a function name. The string must match an entire function name or the first part of a name.
Displays all available functions, replication definitions, and primary Replication Servers. The class scope of each function is also displayed.
Displays function information, including function names, parameters, and datatypes, for all functions of the replication definition authors_rep.
rs_helpfunc authors_rep
Functions and Parameters for Replication Definition: 'authors_rep' System Function Names --------------------- rs_insert rs_delete rs_update rs_select rs_select_with_lock Parameter(s) Datatype Length --------------- -------- ------ @state char 2 @postalcode char 10 @au_id varchar 11 @phone char 12 @country varchar 12 @city varchar 20 @au_fname varchar 20 @address varchar 40 @au_lname varchar 40
Displays parameters and datatypes for the rs_insert function of the replication definition authors_rep.
rs_helpfunc authors_rep, rs_insert
If you do not specify any parameters, rs_helpfunc lists all functions defined in the Replication Server.
If you supply a replication_definition name, only the functions defined for that replication definition are listed. If you also supply a function_name string, rs_helpfunc displays functions whose names match function_name.
rs_helpfunc notifies you if it detects duplicate user-defined functions that may interfere with asynchronous transactions.