

Initiates a coordinated transaction dump.


Example 1

Creates an rs_dumptran function string to execute a stored procedure named dumptran_proc. The stored procedure manages the dump devices and then executes the rs_update_lastcommit stored procedure, passing it the rs_origin, rs_origin_qid, -rs_secondary_qid, and rs_origin_commit_time parameters.

create function string rs_dumptran
 for sqlserver_derived_class
 output language
 'execute dumptran_proc

If the server crashes after the dump is complete but before the rs_lastcommit system table is updated, Replication Server restarts the backup.

For an example of how dumptran_proc can be written, see the dumpdb_proc stored procedure example in rs_dumpdb.

NoteThere is no guarantee that the dump and the rs_update_lastcommit procedure will be executed atomically, because Adaptive Server does not allow the dump command to be included in a transaction with other commands. If the rs_lastcommit system table is not updated successfully, an additional dump may be performed.

Example 2

Alters the rs_dumptran function string that you created in the first example to execute as a remote procedure call.

alter function string rs_dumptran
 for sqlserver_derived_class
 output rpc
 'execute dumptran_proc


Table 4-3: System variables for rs_dumptran function strings

Variable name





The name of the database where the dump originated.



Label information for the dump. For Adaptive Server, this variable contains a datetime value for the time the dump began.



An Adaptive Server database timestamp taken when the dump was started at the origin. The variable is used for informational purposes only.

See also

create function string, rs_commit, rs_dumpdb, rs_get_lastcommit