Dumps the transaction cache for an inbound queue or a DSI queue.
sysadmin sqt_dump_queue, q_number, q_type, reader [, open]
Identifies the stable queue to be dumped. Find these values using admin who, admin who, sqm, and admin who, sqt.
Identifies the reader you want to dump the stable queue for. This parameter applies to features that require multiple readers, such as warm standby applications. You can get the reader number from admin sqm_readers or from admin who, sqt. If you are not using multiple readers, enter “0” for the reader.
Allows you to dump only open transactions. If you use this option, insert a comma between q_type and the open flag.
Dumps all undeleted transactions in queue 103:1 from the transaction cache:
sysadmin sqt_dump_queue, 103, 1, 0
Before using sysadmin sqt_dump_queue, execute admin who, sqt to make sure the transaction cache for the database exists.
This command dumps all the statements of transactions in the transaction cache.
Transaction statements are dumped into the Replication Server log or an alternate log file specified with sysadmin dump_file.
The output from this command indicates the state of transactions in the transaction cache as open, closed, or read. Open transactions do not have a commit yet. Closed transactions have a commit but have not been completely read out yet. Read transactions have been completely read out but have not been deleted yet.
You can modify the cache size by setting the configuration parameter sqt_max_cache_size.
sysadmin sqt_dump_queue requires “sa” permission.