Retrieves the list of status descriptions for a server or component. Components are monitored objects within a server. The state of a server or component consists of a state integer constant and a list of description strings. The get server and get component commands return the first description in the list and a flag that indicates whether the description list contains more than one string.
Client applications can use get server or get component to display the state of all servers monitored by the RMS. If more information is needed, the application can display all descriptions.
get status descriptions { [for {connection | logical connection | route | queue | rep agent | partition} component_name] for server_name | for group_name }
Returns status descriptions for the specified server or component.
Specifies the name of the component for which to return status descriptions. Components are monitored objects within a server. Replication Server components are connections, logical connections, routes, queues, and partitions. Adaptive Server Enterprise components are RepAgent threads.
Specifies the name of the server for which to return status descriptions. The server name is also used when returning status descriptions for components.
Specifies the name of the group for which to return status descriptions.
Retrieves all description strings for the server name INVENTORY_RS:
get status descriptions for INVENTORY_RS
Retrieves all description strings for the group name “group1”:
get status descriptions for group1
Retrieves all description strings for the connection “inventory_pds.pdb1” in the server INVENTORY_ASE:
get status descriptions for connection inventory_pds.pdb1 for INVENTORY_ASE
get status descriptions returns all strings in the description list (including the first description).
You can use get status descriptions to return the status descriptions for the RMS.
get status descriptions returns a result set that contains a single string column that contains one status description. The result set returns multiple rows, one for each description.